Situational variables (obedience)

    Cards (24)

    • What does the presence of an authority figure influence in a person's behavior?

      It may influence obedience.
    • How does the physical presence of an authority figure affect obedience?

      Proximity to the authority figure can increase obedience.
    • What is one situational variable that affects obedience according to Milgram's research?

    • What was the obedience rate when the teacher and learner were in the same room in Milgram's study?

      The obedience rate dropped to 40%.
    • What happened to the obedience rate when the teacher had to physically force the learner's hand onto a shock plate?

      The obedience rate dropped further to 30%.
    • How did the obedience rate change when the experimenter gave instructions by telephone?

      Obedience reduced to 20.5%.
    • Why does decreased proximity lead to lower obedience rates?

      It allows people to psychologically distance themselves from the consequences of their actions.
    • What was the effect of changing the location of the experiment from Yale University to a run-down office block?

      Obedience fell to 47.5%.
    • Why did participants perceive higher obedience in the prestigious university setting?

      They believed the experimenter shared legitimacy and that obedience was expected.
    • How did the uniform of the experimenter affect obedience in Milgram's study?

      Uniforms encourage obedience as they are recognized symbols of authority.
    • What was the obedience rate when the experimenter was replaced by a confederate in everyday clothes?

      The obedience rate dropped to 20%.
    • What are the situational variables that affect obedience according to Milgram's research?

      • Proximity: Closer physical presence increases obedience.
      • Location: Prestigious settings increase perceived authority.
      • Uniform: Recognizable authority symbols enhance obedience.
    • What did Leonard Bickman's field experiment in New York City demonstrate?

      It showed that situational variables like uniform influence obedience.
    • In Bickman's experiment, how did the obedience rates differ based on the confederate's outfit?

      People were twice as likely to obey the security guard than the one in a jacket and tie.
    • What did the study by Wim Meeus and Quintin Raaijmakers (1986) find regarding obedience?

      90% of participants obeyed orders to say stressful things to a confederate.
    • What is a counterpoint to the claim that Milgram's findings are universally applicable?

      Replications of Milgram's research are mostly limited to Western cultures.
    • What is one limitation regarding the internal validity of Milgram's studies?

      Participants may have been aware that the procedure was faked.
    • What did Martin Orne and Charles Holland criticize about Milgram's baseline study?

      They pointed out that participants might have seen through the deception.
    • What is the implication of participants potentially 'play-acting' in Milgram's studies?

      It raises questions about whether the findings are genuinely due to obedience.
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Milgram's research on obedience?

      • Demonstrated influence of situational variables.
      • Cross-cultural replications support findings.

      • Limited cross-cultural applicability.
      • Low internal validity due to potential participant awareness of deception.
    • Participants were told they were taking part in an experiment about memory retention and learning.
    • Milgram's research aimed to understand how ordinary individuals could become involved in atrocities during World War II.
    • The teacher had to administer electric shocks to the learner if they made mistakes, with the voltage increasing as the game progressed.
    • The role of authority figures, such as teachers or doctors, can be influential in shaping our behavior.