Localisation of function

Cards (9)

  • Localisation of Function - term for the idea that different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions
  • Occipital lobe:
    • visual cortex - back of the the brain, spanning both hemispheres
    • visual info
  • Parietal lobe:
    • somatosensory area - top of the brain
    • processes sensory information
  • Frontal lobe:
    • motor area, controls movement
    • Broca's area - speech production
  • Temporal lobe:
    • auditory/language - underneath of the brain
    • auditory cortex - auditory info received from the cochlea
    • Wernicke's area - language comprehension
  • Individual differences
    • differences in peoples' brains - unique patterns of activity, including gender differences in B and W's areas
    • can't make generalising statements on brain functions
  • Brain scans
    • used as evidence of increased activity in certain areas of the brain when completing different tasks
    • BUT - measure blood flow not necessarily activity so might not be reliable
  • Support for Broca's area
    • case study of Broca's patient Tan who was later found to have a lesion on his brain in 'Broca's area'
    • BUT - can't generalise the results of a case study
    • AND - other studies have found that damage to Broca's area doesn't always result in severe damage - other parts of the brain may also be responsible for speech production
  • Reductionist:
    • study found that loss of ability to read is due to the damage of connections between areas of the brain
    • shows damage to connections may cause impairments not just damage to particular areas
    it is too simplistic to say that only one area is responsible for each function