to see whether people would conform to social roles that were given to them
An evaluation of Zimbardo's prison experiment
-> study lacks internal validity because Zimbardo put himself in the study when he is only mean to be observing the experiment
-> also he exaggerated the roles and power of the guards as only 1/3 of the guards were brutal and another third were fair with the rules and the last 1/3 were sympathetic towards the prisoners
this minimises the influence of dispositional factors
another evaluation of SPE
weakness: replicated research -> research based on Zimbardo saying that 'participants conformed naturally'.
Reicher and Haslam2006
used 15 men who were randomly assigned a role of prisoner or guard
the participants were relucent to conform to their roles and ended in a power shift, so that the prisoners were in charge
this clearly contradicts zimbardo's research
another evaluation of zimbardo's prison experiment
weakness: ethical issues->
deception - not a real prison although people thought it was (prisoners)
privacy was not upheld - as prisoners were 'arrested' at home with family present
lack of right to withdraw
psychologically harmed participants
evaluation of SPE
strength: control over individual differences -> participants were randomly assigned to their roles, and were emotionally stable coming into the observation. behaviour would have been determined by chance if they conformed to their roles or not
increased internal validity
evaluation of SPE
weakness: lack of realism- > Banuazizi & Movahedi1975 said that the participants were play acting as they knew it was a mock prison. had an artificial task as they were stereotyping prisoner & guard behaviour
findings show reduced accuracy of study
counterpoint of lack of realism evaluation
strength/counterpoint -> participants behaved realistically as the prisoners thought/believed they were in a real prison 90% of conversations were about prison life
increases internal validity, suggested by replicating the social role of a prisoner