Cognitive Approach

Cards (12)

  • The cognitive approach-focuses on how internal mental processes affect behaviour
  • The cognitive approach studies information processing and ways in which information is extracted ,stored and retrieved and how this guides behaviour.
  • Schema-a cognitive framework that helps to organise and interpret incoming information in the brain.Schemas help an individual to make sense of new information.They are developed through experience.
  • Theoretical models:
    -are simplified representations of cognitive processes based on current research evidence
    E.g working memory model
    -usually pictorial with boxes and arrows 
    -often incomplete and are frequently changed,updated and refined.
  • Computer models:
    -refers to the process of using computer analogies as a representation of human cognition
    -the development of computers and computer programming led to interpret the way sensory information is coded as it passes through the system
    -using a computer analogy,information is inputted through senses,encoded into memory and then combined with previous information to complete a task.
  • Cognitive neuroscience- an area of psychology dedicated to the underlying neural basis of cognitive functions
  • PET,fMRI’s help psychologists understand how the brain supports different cognitive activities and emotions by showing what parts of the brain become active in specific situations.
  • Evaluation AO3 points
    Applications of the cognitive approach-has been applied to social psychology and social cognition and has helped psychologists understand how we form impressions of other people.It has also been applied to artificial intelligence.
  • Evaluation A03 points

    Scientific and objective methods-research supporting the cognitive approach has taken place in highly controlled settings and been rigorously evaluated to reach accurate conclusions on how the mind works.
  • Evaluation A03 point - weakness

    Ignores  emotion and motivation-the cognitive approach explains how cognitive processes take place but not why they take place.The lack of focus on motivation may be explained by the over dependence on information processing analogies,as motivation can not be applied to a computer.
  • What are some practical applications of the cognitive approach in A-Level Psychology?

    The cognitive approach has many practical applications in areas such as education, mental health, and sports performance. For example, it can be used to develop effective teaching strategies, to treat mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, and to improve athletic performance by using mental imagery technique
  • What are some limitations of the cognitive approach in A-Level Psychology?

    Some limitations of the cognitive approach include its tendency to oversimplify complex human behavior and its difficulty in explaining emotional and irrational behavior. Additionally, it may not fully account for the influence of cultural and social factors on cognition.