The oxygen in water is delta negative and the hydrogen is delta postive due to more e- being on the outer part of the oxygen and less on the outer part of the hydrogen causing it to attract charged molecules giving it the ability to split it up
What causes water cohesion
The delta negative oxygen attract to the delta positive hydrogen of other water molecules forming hydrogen bonds
What causes water adhesion
The polar properties of the water means it can attract to the surface of objects
How is water liquid between 0c and 100c
hydrogen bonds cause the water to have strong intermolecular bonds causing it to have a high boiling point
Why does water have a high specific heat capacity
it takes lots of energy to break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules so it can hold lots of energy
Why does water have a high latent heat of evaporation
The hydrogen bonds between water molecules are strong causing the water to take lots of energy to heat up by one degree
Condensation reaction
Two smaller molecules joining to form a larger molecule producing one water molecule per reaction
A large molecule breaking into two smaller molecules using one water molecule
What is the advantage of high latent heat of evaporation for animals
This allows panting and sweating to cool down the animals maintaning internal body temperature
What is the advantage of surface tension for animals
Allows aniamals to move ontop of water such as pond skaters
What is the importance of high specific heat capacity for animals
Takes alot of energy to increase temp of water allowing organisms to move and run without increasing body temperature by a drastic amount