Cards (25)

  • What is obedience in psychology?

    Carrying out a direct order from someone
  • What was the aim of Milgram's 1963 study?
    To see if people obey harmful orders
  • What was the maximum voltage participants were instructed to administer?

    450 volts
  • How were participants assigned roles in Milgram's study?

    Through a rigged draw by a confederate
  • What happened when the learner answered incorrectly?

    The teacher was instructed to give a shock
  • What was the significance of the learner banging on the wall?

    It indicated distress and protested the shocks
  • What percentage of participants went to the maximum shock level?

  • What signs of tension did participants show during the experiment?

    They showed sweating, shaking, and nervous laughter
  • What conclusion did Milgram draw from his study?

    People obey authority figures, even harmfully
  • What ethical concerns were raised about Milgram's study?

    Deception and lack of informed consent
  • What did Sheridan and King (1972) find in their study?

    Participants obeyed even with real shocks to a puppy
  • What did Hofling et al. (1966) study demonstrate?

    Nurses obeyed a doctor's orders over the phone
  • How did Rank and Jacobsen (1975) challenge Milgram's findings?

    Only 2 out of 18 nurses obeyed with familiar drugs
  • What is the agentic state according to Milgram?

    A condition where a person feels controlled by others
  • What is the opposite of the agentic state?

    The autonomous state, feeling responsible for actions
  • What are binding factors in Milgram's explanation?

    Justifications used to continue obeying orders
  • How does legitimacy of authority influence obedience?

    People obey those perceived as higher in hierarchy
  • What cultural differences support the legitimacy of authority explanation?

    Obedience rates vary by cultural values of authority
  • What is the authoritarian personality according to Adorno?

    A personality type that respects authority excessively
  • What features characterize an authoritarian personality?

    Negative towards lower status, rigid opinions
  • What did Milgram and Elms (1966) find regarding authoritarian personality?

    High F-scale scores linked to obedience in participants
  • What is a limitation of the authoritarian personality explanation?

    It cannot explain all instances of obedience
  • What are the situational variables affecting obedience in Milgram's study?

    • Proximity: Teacher and learner in same room (40% obedience)
    • Location: Experiment moved to a run-down office (47.5% obedience)
    • Uniform: Authority figure in ordinary clothes (20% obedience)
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Milgram's study on obedience?

    • High external validity supported by Hofling's study
    • Controlled variables increase validity

    • Ethical concerns: deception and stress
    • Lack of internal validity in variations
  • What are the explanations for obedience discussed in the study material?

    1. Situational variables: Proximity, location, uniform
    2. Social-psychological factors: Agentic state, legitimacy of authority
    3. Dispositional explanations: Authoritarian personality