
    Cards (28)

    • What is a self-report?
      It is a method of gathering data where participants provide information about themselves without interference from the experimenter
    • What are examples of self-reports?
      Questionnaires and Interviews
    • What is a questionnaire?
      A set of questions given in written form, they involve different types of questions such as open or closed questions
    • What are the strengths of using a closed question?
      • It provides quantitative data
      • Easy to analyse and compare
    • What are the weaknesses of using closed questions?
      • Responses are limited
      • They lack depth or detail
    • What are the strengths of using open questions?
      • They provide qualitative data
      • Able to understand their explanation due to the detail
    • What is a weakness of using open questions?
      • Difficult to compare results
    • What is a Likert scale?
      A scale used to determine how much a participant agrees with a statement, this is achieved with a scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree
    • What are the drawbacks of using a Likert scale?
      • Can be subjective as participants may interpret the scale differently
      • Introduces social desirability bias as participants are more likely to choose the middle option, which lacks validity
    • What is response bias?
      The way participants answer questions which leads to inaccurate results, for example ticking the same box each time
    • How do you reduce response bias?
      • Reverse half of the answers
      • Phrase the questions both positively and negatively
    • What are semantic differentials?
      Participants place themselves on a line between two extremes, usually two contrasting adjectives, to measure attitude, for example boring and exciting
    • What are the strengths of questionnaires?
      • Easy to administer
      • Used to gain data from a large sample or population
      • They are time and cost efficient
      • Closed questions are easy to compare and analyse
      • Open questions allow for personal perspectives and reasons
    • What are the weaknesses of questionnaires?
      • There may be response bias
      • Participants may interpret questions differently or misunderstand them
      • Possible responses allocated for closed questions may not represent for the participants true answer
    • What is an interview?
      A series of verbal questions given fact-to-face between an interviewer and an interviewee
    • What are the three different types of interviews?
      • Structured interviews
      • Semi-structured interviews
      • Unstructured interviews
    • What is a structured interview?
      Has predetermined questions that are asked in the same way and in the same order with each interviewee with no deviations
    • What are the strengths of a structured interview?
      • Standardised procedure involved ensures that interviews are easily replicable
      • Quick and can be completed in the same time for each participant
      • Useful for ensuring methodological reliability due to standardisation
    • What are the weaknesses of structured interviews?
      • Inflexibility of the interview questions means that some key details may missed as new questions cannot be raised during the interview
      • Only closed questions can be asked, so lacks detail
    • What is a semi-structured interview?
      Have guidelines on which questions to ask and topics to cover, but can deviate and vary with each individual
    • What are the strengths of a semi-structured interview?
      • Enables the researcher to gain additional details
      • Interviewers will cover the specified topics so data can be used for comparison
    • What are the weaknesses of a semi-structured interview?
      • Difficult to use qualitative data gained from open or unique questions in statistical tests or when looking for patterns
      • Researcher bias can occur as the lack of structure could allow for leading questions that may alter responses
    • What are unstructured interviews?
      No questions are pre-determined; all the questions are open and the process itself is more like a guided conversation than a formal interview
    • What are the strengths of an unstructured interview?
      • Increased concurrent validity as the interviewer can offer clarification or reword questions when necessary
      • Flexibility of questions means they can be altered and added according to the responses given
      • Qualitative data is gained, allowing for highly detailed information
    • What are the weaknesses of an unstructured interviews?
      • Interviews must not create bias through leading questions or body language, to avoid this they must be trained which is not cost-effective
      • Time consuming to interview each participant if the sample is large
      • Analysing and categorising the data is difficult, making it harder to make conclusions or find significant results
    • How do you improve validity?
      • Remove any leading questions or opportunities for socially desirable responses
      • Add open questions that collect qualitative data
      • Ensure that the sample is representative and unbiased, achieved using random sampling or using a large sample
      • Using concurrent validity
    • How to improve reliability?
      • Use methods such as split half, researcher asks similar questions, to compare for consistency and reliability
      • Ensure that procedures are standardised - train interviewers and write detailed instructions for questionnaires to avoid ambiguity
    • What are some ethical issues?
      • Informed consent is expected
      • Any deception must be debriefed afterwards
      • Questions must not cause harm - it should not be too personal
      • Confidentiality - meaning no recording of names, so it remains anonymous