Order of profit and loss statement: company name, statement of profit or loss for the year ended (date), gross profit, profit before interest and tax, profit before tax, profit for period, retained profit
Cost of sales=opening stock+purchases - closing stock
Order of balance sheet: company name, statement of financial position as at date, Non-current assets, current assets, total assets, current liabilities, non current liabilities, total liabilities, net assets, equity, total equity
Lifespan is the useful life of a fixed asset.
The residual value is the scrap value at trade in
Accumulated depreciation is the annual depreciation expense multiplied by numbers of years in use.
The net book value is the historical cost/original purchase cost of an asset - accumulated depreciation.
Annual appreciation=Purchase cost - residual value / lifespan
Net book value=NBV of previous year - depreciation expense
Depreciation per unit=purchase cost - residual value / expected units over lifetime
Annual depreciation=depreciation per unit x number of units purchased
Costs of sales on a profit/loss statement can be easily connected to the good/service that has been produced. They are also known as direct costs.
Expenses on a profit/loss statement are costs that cannot be specifically connected to a good/service. They are also known as indirect costs.
Assets - liabilities=equity
Assets are items of monetary value owned by a business.
Non current assets are assets able to be used by a business for more than 12 months.
Current assets are assets likely to be converted into cash within 12 months or less such as cash, debtors or stock.
Liabilities are legal obligations of a business repay its lenders or suppliers at a later date.
Current liabilities are debts that must be settled in one year.
Overdrafts are current liabilities.
Trade creditors are current liabilities.
Short term loans are current liabilities.
Non current liabilites are debts due to be paid after 12 months.
Bank loans are non current liabilities.
Mortgages are non current liabilities.
Debentures are non current liabilities.
Long term borrowings are non current liabilities.
Equity is the value of the business belonging to the owners.
Share capital is equity.
Retained earnings is equity.
A profit loss statement must be prepared before a balance sheet.
Intangible assets are non-physical assets that can earn revenue for a business.
A brand is a non tangible asset.
A patent is a non tangible asset.
A copyright is a non tangible asset.
Goodwill is a non tangible asset.
Registered trademarks are non tangible assets.
Depreciation is when assets lose value over time usually due to wear and tear or obsolescence.
Straight line depreciation is calculated by purchase cost - residual value / lifespan.
Units of production is calculated by finding depreciation per unit which is purchase cost - residual value /expected number of units over lifetime.