Resisting social influence

Cards (8)

  • What is locus of control
    Measurement of an individual sense of control over their lives
  • Internal locus of control
    Behaviour is caused by their own personal decisions and effort
    Conform and obey less
    Take more responsibility for their own actions
    High internal LOC likely to be leaders
  • External locus of control
    Behaviour caused by luck or fate
    More likely to act on behalf of another and shift responsibility onto this individual
  • Social support
    The presence of people who resist pressures to conform and obey can help others to do the same.
    Act as models to show that resistance to social influence is possible
    Asch found that one confederate did not conform and gave the actual correct answer, conformity levels dropped to one-quarter of what they were before when unanimous.
    It makes them more confident in their perception when participants have social support.
  • Research support
    Allen and levine found conformity decreased when there was one dissenter in an Asch type study.
    Occured even if the dissenter wore thick glasses and had difficulty with the vision
    Resistance is just not motivated by following wat someone else says but enables someone to be free of the pressure of the group
  • Resistance to obedience
    Strength: Gamson et al found higher levels of resistance in their study than Milgram.
    Participants were in groups in the Gamsons study
    29/33 group of participants revelled showing peer support is linked to greater resistance
  • Research support
    Shows link between locus of control and resistance to obedience.
    Holland repeated Milgrams baseline study and measured whether participants were external or internal.
    37% internals didn't continue to the highest shock levels whereas 23% of externals did not continue.
    increases validity of locus of control explanation and our confidence can explain resistance
  • Contradictory research
    Twenge et al analysed data from American locus of control studies over a 40 year old studies. People became more resistance to obedience and more external according to data.
    Challenges link between internal locus of control and resistant behaviour. Possibility due to changing society.