RM: The experimental method

Cards (32)

  • Why should your study of psychology be fun and relevant to your life?

    It enhances engagement and personal connection to the research process.
  • What must you consider before studying human behavior?

    Ethical issues.
  • What is the minimum age for participants in psychological research?

    16 years old.
  • What is informed consent in psychological research?

    It is the process of providing participants with comprehensive information about the study.
  • What should you do after a study is completed?
    Debrief your participants.
  • What are the key ethical considerations in psychological research?

    • Never use participants under 16 or vulnerable individuals.
    • Obtain informed consent.
    • Debrief participants after the study.
    • Consult with others on the informed consent and debrief scripts.
  • What is the research aim in a study?

    A statement of what the researchers intend to find out.
  • What is debriefing in psychological research?

    A post-study interview to inform participants of the study's true nature.
  • What are ethical issues in research?

    Questions of right and wrong that arise from conflicting values between researchers and participants.
  • What defines an experiment in psychological research?
    A research method where an independent variable is manipulated to observe its effect on a dependent variable.
  • What are extraneous variables?

    Variables that do not vary systematically with the independent variable but may affect the dependent variable.
  • What is a hypothesis in research?

    A precise and testable statement about the assumed relationship between variables.
  • What is operationalisation in research?

    Ensuring that variables are in a form that can be easily tested.
  • What are standardised procedures in research?

    A set of procedures that are the same for all participants to ensure repeatability.
  • What are the steps of the scientific method in conducting research?

    1. Observe
    2. State expectations
    3. Design a study
    4. Test expectations
  • What is the dependent variable (DV) in an experiment?

    The variable that is measured to assess the effect of the independent variable.
  • What is the independent variable (IV) in an experiment?

    The variable that is manipulated to test its effect on the dependent variable.
  • Why is it important to have two conditions in an experiment?
    To provide a basis for comparison between the effects of the independent variable.
  • What is the difference between the aims of a study and a hypothesis?

    Aims are intentions or questions, while a hypothesis is a statement of the relationship between variables.
  • What is the purpose of standardised procedures in research?

    To ensure that each participant experiences the same conditions, allowing for valid comparisons.
  • What is an extraneous variable that might affect a study?

    Time of day.
  • What are the key features of an experiment?
    • Manipulation of an independent variable (IV).
    • Measurement of a dependent variable (DV).
    • Control of extraneous variables.
    • Use of standardised procedures.
  • How can you operationalise the independent and dependent variables in a study?

    By clearly defining how each variable will be measured and manipulated.
  • What is the purpose of the memory test in Study A?

    To assess cognitive abilities after sleep deprivation.
  • What is the independent variable in Study B?

    The type of audience (smiling vs. disinterested).
  • What is the dependent variable in Study C?

    The amount of sleep marathon runners get.
  • What is the independent variable in Study D?

    The time of day the test is administered (morning vs. afternoon).
  • What are the differences between aims and hypotheses in research?
    • Aims: General intentions or questions about the study.
    • Hypotheses: Specific statements predicting the relationship between variables.
  • Why is it important to control extraneous variables in an experiment?

    To ensure that any observed effects are due to the independent variable.
  • What is the significance of the phrase "They conducted an experiment on..."?

    It often refers to an investigation rather than a true experiment.
  • What is the role of the researcher in ensuring ethical standards?

    To consider and address ethical issues throughout the research process.
  • How does the manipulation of the independent variable allow for causal conclusions in an experiment?

    It enables researchers to observe the effects of changes in the independent variable on the dependent variable.