Social learning theory

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      • Albert Bandura developed the SLT approach. He argued that classical and operant conditioning could not account for all human learning.
      • He believed that there are important mental processes that lie between the stimulus and response proposed by the behaviourist approach. Therefore, it combines principles from both the behaviourist and cognitive approaches.
      • SLT suggests that behaviour is learned from experience, but in a social context.
      • Learning occurs through the observation of the behaviour of others (role models) and the rewards and punishments that they receive for their behaviour. Therefore, humans can also learn indirectly (as well as directly through behaviourism).
      • However, learning and performance are not the same activity.
      • SLT sees people as active manipulators of their own environment rather than passive receivers of experiences.
      •It is concerned with human rather than animal behaviour.
      • Learning takes place in a social context. It occurs via the observation of the behaviour of others and the rewards and punishments received for that behaviour (vicarious reinforcement)
      • Other people act as role models who carry out, or model, an attitude or behaviour to be learned. These role models can be live (present in our environment) or symbolic (in the media).
      • The characteristics of the role models influence the likelihood of
      imitation (copying) of the modelled behaviour. If the observer identifies with the role model i.e. relates to the role model and feels that they are similar in some way (e.g. same gender, same age) or they are attractive or of high status, imitation is more likely.
      • When the role model models the behaviour, observational learning occurs (the observer learns how to do the behaviour).
      • This behaviour may then be imitated (copied) by the observer. Therefore, learning and performance are not the same activity. If the role model is rewarded for their behaviour, imitation is more likely and if they are punished for their behaviour, imitation is less likely (vicarious reinforcement).
    • Development of behaviour
    • The role of mediational processes:
      • Attention:  This is the extent to which we notice the behaviour.  In order for us to imitate the behaviour, it needed to have grabbed our attention.
    • The role of mediational processes:
      • Retention: This refers to how well the behaviour is remembered.  We will not remember all behaviours that we pay attention to, if we do not retain it then we will not imitate the behaviour at a later date.
    • The role of mediational processes:
      • Motor reproduction:  This refers to the ability of the observer to physically carry out the behaviour seen.  For some behaviours, even if we wanted to imitate them, we may not be physically able to.  In order to imitate the behaviour, we have to be physically able to do it and have self-efficacy (confidence) in our ability to do so.
    • The role of mediational processes:
      • Motivation:  Before we imitate the behaviour, we have to be motivated to want to carry it out.  This is more likely to happen if vicarious reinforcement happened during the modelling.  Vicarious reinforcement is when the model is observed receiving a reward for their behaviour.  This makes it more likely the individual will imitate the model as they want to receive the same reward.
    • Bandura et al (1961):
      • Children (aged 37-69 months) observed either the same sex or opposite sex role model.  Half of the participants saw the adult behaving aggressively towards a bobo doll, the other half saw the adult demonstrating non-aggressive behaviour.  The children were then taken to a room with toys and informed that they could not play with these toys (to elicit anger).  The children were then taken to another room, which contained toys they could play with (one of these was a bobo doll).
    • Bandura found that the children who observed the aggressive behaviour acted more aggressively than those who did not.  Boys were more aggressive than girls and there was a greater level of imitation if the role model was the same gender as the child.
    • Who conducted the supporting research for Social Learning Theory (SLT)?
      Bandura and Walters
    • What was the main behavior observed in children during the Bandura and Walters study?
      Children exhibited aggression towards a bobo doll
    • What were the three groups of children in the Bandura and Walters study based on their observation of the adult's behavior?
      One group saw praise, one group saw punishment, and one group saw no consequence
    • Which group of children showed the least aggressive behavior in the study?
      The group that saw the adult punished
    • Which group of children demonstrated the most aggression towards the bobo doll?
      The group that saw the adult receive vicarious reinforcement
    • What does the study by Bandura and Walters support regarding Social Learning Theory?
      It demonstrates that children observe role models and that vicarious reinforcement affects imitation
    • What is a key mediational process identified in the Bandura and Walters study that affects children's motivation to imitate behavior?
      Vicarious reinforcement
    • What are the main findings of the Bandura and Walters (1963) study on Social Learning Theory?
      • Children observed an adult's aggressive behavior towards a bobo doll.
      • Group seeing praise showed the most aggression.
      • Control group showed moderate aggression.
      • Group seeing punishment showed the least aggression.
      • Supports the idea that children learn from role models.
      • Vicarious reinforcement is crucial for motivation to imitate behavior.
    • What is one strength of Social Learning Theory (SLT)?
      Practical applications
    • What was the Sabido project?
      A soap opera in Mexico that used SLT principles
    • How did the Sabido project aim to influence behavior?
      By including role models for others to emulate
    • In what other media was the SLT applied besides soap operas?
      In radio dramas
    • What was the outcome of the Sabido project regarding contraception?
      Sales of contraception increased
    • What were the goals of the Sabido project?
      To prevent unwanted pregnancies, reduce HIV spread, and promote literacy
    • What was the outcome of the Sabido project regarding literacy booklets?
      The amount of literacy booklets given out increased
    • What does the success of the Sabido project suggest about SLT?
      It suggests that SLT principles are involved in how we learn behavior
    • What are the main goals of the Sabido project?
      • Prevent unwanted pregnancies
      • Reduce the spread of HIV
      • Promote literacy
    • When was the Sabido project conducted?
      In the 1970s
    • What does SLT suggest about the learning of behavior?
      Behavior is learned through observation of models.
    • How does SLT explain cultural differences in behavior?
      SLT suggests that behavior is influenced by cultural norms and media.
    • What is one example of how SLT can explain differences in gender roles?
      It can explain why gender roles differ in various cultures.
    • How does SLT differ from evolutionary approaches regarding behavior?
      SLT recognizes that behavior is not universal, unlike evolutionary approaches.
    • What is a limitation of other approaches compared to SLT in explaining behavior?
      Other approaches cannot explain cultural differences in behavior.
    • What does SLT stand for?
      Social Learning Theory
    • What is a limitation of Social Learning Theory (SLT) regarding its supporting research?
      It is primarily based on controlled laboratory experiments.