Graphical representation

Cards (7)

  • What is a distribution curve?
    A linear representation of data that includes a mean, median and modal score to show a spread of data.
  • What is normal distribution?
    A type of distribution where the mean, median and mode are equal. This can be referred to as a bell curve.
  • What are the features of normal distribution
    • Classic bell shaped curve
    • Mean, median an mode are at the exact mid-point
    • Distribution is symmetrical around the mid-point
    • The dispersion of scores/measurements either side of the mid-point is consistent and can be expressed in standard deviation
  • What is negatively skewed distribution?
    A type of skewed distribution where the mode is greater than the mean.
  • What are the features of negatively skewed distribution?
    • Scores are not distributed equally around the mean
    • The measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) will increase in value
    • The mean is to the left of the peak
    • The graph will 'tail' to the left
  • What is positively skewed distribution?

    A type of skewed distribution where the mode is less than the mean.
  • What are the features of positively skewed distribution?
    • Scores are not distributed equally around the mean
    • The measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) will decrease in value
    • The mean is to the right of the peak
    • The graph will 'tail' to the right