Probability is the likelihood that results are due to a real correlation which you are testing. This is also known as the level of confidence in the significance of the results.
What is the standard probability value in psychology?
What are significance levels?
When psychologists carry out investigations they want to be sure that their results are not due to chance factors. A statistically significant result is one that is unlikely to have occurred by chance.
What is the standard significance level in psychology?
What are observed/calculated values?
The numerical value that is created as a result of an inferential statistical analysis of data. (the results of a statistics test)
What are critical values?
Values taken from a pre-calculated table for each stats test. They are compared with the observed/calculated value to determine whether the experimental hypothesis can be rejected or accepted.
What is the 'R up' rule?
If there is an R in the shortened name of the stats test, then the observed/calculated value needs to be equal to or higher than the critical value for the results to be considered statistically significant. If there is not an R in the shortened name of the stats test then the rule is reversed.
What type of study is each stats test?
Chi-squared: difference
Mann-Whitney U: difference
Sign Test: difference
Wilcoxen T: difference
Spearman's rank: correlation
What level of measurement does each stats test use?