Cognitive Approach

Cards (29)

  • What is the focus of the cognitive approach in psychology?

    The study of internal mental processes
  • What is the role of schemas in the cognitive approach?
    Schemas help organize and interpret information
  • How do theoretical and computer models contribute to the cognitive approach?

    They provide frameworks for understanding cognitive processes
  • What is cognitive neuroscience?

    The study of the relationship between brain function and cognitive processes
  • What are the strengths of the cognitive approach?

    • Many applications across psychology
    • Relies on scientific methods
  • Why is the scientific nature of the cognitive approach considered a strength?

    It allows for objective measurement and validation of theories
  • What is a limitation of computer models in the cognitive approach?

    They do not always provide a complete account of human behavior
  • What does the cognitive approach tend to ignore?

    The role of emotion and motivation in influencing behavior
  • What is a common issue with studies conducted by cognitive psychologists?

    Many studies lack ecological validity
  • What are key terms associated with the cognitive approach?
    • Cognition
    • Cognitive neuroscience
    • Cognitive models
    • Computer modelling
    • Independent variable
    • Schema
    • Therapeutic models
  • When did the idea of human cognition become prominent in psychology?
    Mid twentieth century
  • What did the cognitive approach emphasize compared to behaviorism?
    Internal manipulation of sensory information
  • What method was predominantly used by philosophical and psychodynamic approaches?
  • Why was introspection rejected by the cognitive approach?
    It was not scientific enough
  • What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?
    • The mind actively processes sensory information
    • Complex mental processes exist between stimulus and response
    • Humans function as data processing systems
    • The human mind and computers share similarities in processing
  • What internal mental processes does the cognitive approach study?
    Attention, memory, and decision-making
  • How might an investigation in cognitive psychology compare memorization abilities?
    By presenting words verbally or visually
  • What does the Information-Processing Model describe?
    The relationship between information encoding and output
  • How might an artist use cognitive processes according to the Information-Processing Model?
    By deciding paint colors based on visual input
  • What does the Computational model emphasize in cognitive processes?
    How we structure the process to output
  • What does the Connectionist model focus on?
    The mind as a network of neurons
  • What is a schema in cognitive psychology?
    An internal script for expected behavior
  • How can schemas affect eyewitness testimony?
    They can distort memory of events
  • What field emerged in the latter half of the twentieth century related to cognitive psychology?
    Cognitive neuroscience
  • What techniques does cognitive neuroscience incorporate?
    Brain scanning techniques
  • What are the strengths of the cognitive approach?
    • Useful models for explaining mental processes
    • Strong focus on internal processes
    • Scientific experimental methods
  • What are the weaknesses of the cognitive approach?
    • Oversimplification of complex processes
    • Data from unrealistic laboratory tasks
    • Unsophisticated analogy comparing mind to machine
  • the cognitive approach - mental processes, theoretical and computer models to explain how brain processes information
  • Limitations of cognitive - lacks ecological validity as done in lab settings and is reductionist as oversimplifies complex behaviours