Biological Rhythms

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    • What is a biological Rhythm?

      A biological rhythm is any cyclic change in the level of a bodily chemical or function. 

    • These can be internal (endogenous) - controlled by the internal biological clock e.g. body temperature cycle. 
      OR external (exogenous) - controlled by synchronising internal cycles e.g. sleep/wakefulness with external stimuli e.g. day/night. These external stimuli are called zeitgebersBiological rhythms are periodic activity, governed by:
      1. Internal biological ‘clocks’ (endogenous pacemakers)
      2. 2. External changes in the environment (exogenous zeitgebers).
    • Biological Rhythms governed by?

      These can be internal (endogenous) - controlled by the internal biological clock e.g. body temperature cycle. 
      OR external (exogenous) - controlled by synchronising internal cycles e.g. sleep/wakefulness with external stimuli e.g. day/night. These external stimuli are called zeitgebers.
      Biological rhythms are periodic activity, governed by:
      1. Internal biological ‘clocks’ (endogenous pacemakers)
      2. External changes in the environment (exogenous zeitgebers).
    • Types of biological rhythm:
      • Circadian
      • Circannual
      • Infradian
      • Ultradian
    • Circadian Rhythm?

      Circadian = Biorhythm with a daily frequency e.g. sleep/wake cycle
    • Circannual Rhythm?

      Circannual = Type of infradian rhythm that occurs yearly e.g. seasonal affective disorder 
    • Infradian Rhythm?

      Infradian = Biorhythms with a frequency of less than one cycle in 24 hours - less frequently than daily (gap longer than a day) e.g. menstrual cycle. (more than a day to complete)
    • Ultradian Rhythm?

      Ultradian = Biorhythm with a frequency of more than one cycle in 24 hours e.g. stages of sleep (occur many times a day)
    • Types of biological rhythm & definintions?
      Circadian = Biorhythm with a daily frequency e.g. sleep/wake cycle
      Circannual = Type of infradian rhythm that occurs yearly e.g. seasonal affective disorder 
      Infradian = Biorhythms with a frequency of less than one cycle in 24 hours - less frequently than daily (gap longer than a day) e.g. menstrual cycle. (more than a day to complete)
      Ultradian = Biorhythm with a frequency of more than one cycle in 24 hours e.g. stages of sleep (occur many times a day)