Accuracy of eyewitness testimony- Misleading information (7)

Cards (21)

  • What was the aim of Experiment 1?
    To investigate whether phrasing of a question can influence speed judgement
  • How many participants were involved in Experiment 1?
    45 students
  • What was the method and design used in Experiment 1?
    Laboratory, independent group design
  • What was the dependent variable in Experiment 1?
    Estimated speed of cars in miles per hour
  • What was the independent variable in Experiment 1?
    Verb used in question (hit/smashed/collided/bumped/contacted)
  • What was the aim of Experiment 2?
    To investigate whether phrasing of a question can influence speed judgement
  • How many participants were involved in Experiment 2?
    150 students
  • What was the method and design used in Experiment 2?
    Laboratory, independent group design
  • What were the dependent variables in Experiment 2?
    Recollection of broken glass, speed estimate
  • What was the independent variable in Experiment 2?
    Verb used in question (smashed/hit/none)
  • What was the procedure for Experiment 1?
    Seven films were shown, followed by a questionnaire with a critical question about speed.
  • What was the critical question in Experiment 1?
    ‘About how fast were the cars going when they hit each other?’
  • How were the verbs changed in the critical question of Experiment 1?
    Hit was changed to smashed/collided/bumped/contacted.
  • What were the controls in Experiment 1?
    Same films shown, identical questions except for the independent variable, random placement of critical question.
  • What were the results regarding estimated speed for the verb 'smashed' in Experiment 1?
    The estimated speed was 40.5 mph.
  • What was the conclusion of Experiment 1?
    The form of the question could significantly alter the witness’ answer.
  • What are the two pieces of information that memory consists of according to the conclusions?
    Information gained at the moment of the event and information gained after the event.
  • How does the severity of the verb 'smashed' affect memory of the event?
    It distorts memory of the event, making it seem more severe.
  • What are the key findings from the results of Experiment 1 regarding estimated speeds?
    • Smashed: 40.5 mph
    • Collided: 39.3 mph
    • Bumped: 48.1 mph
    • Hit: 34 mph
    • Contacted: 31.8 mph
  • What are the key findings from the results of Experiment 2 regarding recollection of broken glass?
    • Smashed: YES: 16, NO: 34
    • Hit: YES: 7, NO: 43
    • Control group: YES: 6, NO: 44
  • What are the two types of biases identified in the conclusions of the experiments?
    1. Response bias - uncertain participants use verb to bias response
    2. Change in memory - verb affects perception of event severity