Grant et al study

    Cards (24)

    • What is context-dependent memory?

      It is when individuals perform better on a memory test in the same environment where they studied.
    • How does context-dependent memory affect exam performance?

      Students perform better on exams if they study in the same environment where they take the exam.
    • What was the aim of the study conducted by Grant et al.?

      To investigate whether context-dependent memory could be found in a school setting.
    • What was the sample size of the study conducted by Grant et al.?

      There were 39 participants in total.
    • How were participants recruited for the study?

      Participants were recruited via a snowball sample.
    • What was the gender distribution of the participants in the study?
      There were 17 females and 23 males.
    • What was the mean age of participants in the study?

      The mean age was 23.4 years old.
    • What type of experiment was conducted in the study?

      It was a laboratory experiment with an independent measures design.
    • What were the two main variables in the study?

      The study compared silent reading conditions and noisy reading conditions.
    • What were the three dependent variables measured in the study?

      Reading time, performance on a multiple choice test, and performance on a short answer test.
    • What was the topic of the article participants read during the study?
      The topic was about psychoimmunology.
    • How did participants in the noisy condition perceive the background noise?

      They were told to ignore moderately loud background noise over the headphones.
    • Why was reading time used as a covariate in the analysis?

      Because there was considerable individual variability in reading time among participants.
    • What was the significance of the results regarding matching and mismatching conditions?

      There was a significant effect of studying and testing within matching conditions compared to mismatching conditions.
    • What did the results suggest about context-dependent memory?

      Context-dependent memory exists for newly learned information.
    • What implication does context-dependent memory have for students?

      Students are likely to perform better on exams if they study with minimum background noise.
    • How does the study's methodology affect its ecological validity?

      The study had low ecological validity due to its controlled laboratory setting.
    • What type of data was collected in the study?
      Quantitative data in the form of test scores and reading time.
    • What sampling method was used to obtain participants?
      Snowball sampling.
    • What is a limitation of the snowball sampling method used in the study?

      It may not be representative of the general population.
    • What ethical standards were upheld in the study?
      Participants provided informed consent and were debriefed after the study.
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study conducted by Grant et al.?
      • High internal validity due to controlled variables
      • Easy to replicate due to standardized procedures

      • Low ecological validity due to laboratory setting
      • Sample may not represent the general population
    • How did the study ensure high internal validity?

      By controlling many variables and having equal numbers of participants in each condition.
    • What was the duration of the entire procedure of the study?

      The entire procedure lasted around 30 minutes.