Cards (9)

  • What is the schizophrenogenic mother explanation for sz?
    A psychodynamic explanation suggesting that a cold, rejecting and controlling mother creates tension and stress in a child leading to SZ
  • What is the double bind theory of SZ?
    Suggests that are child frequently receives contradictory messages form their parents, leading to confusion, anxiety and symptoms like disorganised thinking and delusions
  • What is expressed emotion (EE) in family dysfunction?
    High levels of negative emotion, criticism, hostility or over-involvement from caregivers towards a person with SZ, increasing the risk of relapse
  • What are the 2 types of psychological explanation for SZ?
    Family dysfunction and cognitive explanations
  • What are the 3 types of family dysfunction?
    Schizophrenogenic mother, double bind theory, expressed emotion
  • What is the cognitive explanation for SZ?
    SZ is linked to dysfunctional thought processing particularly in the ventral striatum (negative symptoms) and temporal gyro (hallucinations)
  • What are the 2 cognitive explanations for SZ?
    Meta representation and central control dysfunction
  • What is meta representation dysfunction?
    A cognitive issue where individuals struggle to reflect on their own thoughts and actions, leading to delusions like thoughts being placed into their minds by others
  • What is central control dysfunction?
    A problem in the cognitive ability to suppress automatic responses, which results in disorganised thinking and speech as individuals are unable to filter irrelevant information