endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers

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    • exogenous zeitgebers
      external cues that may affect or entrain our biological rhythms, such sd influence of light
    • endogenous pacemakers
      internal body clocks that regulate many of our biological rhythms, such as the influence of SCN on the sleep/ wake cycle
    • exogenous zeitgebers
      light- Campbell and Murphy- shone light pad on back of knees
      social cues- babies rhythms are entrained by bedtimes and mealtimes
    • endogenous pacemakers
      the SCN- receives info about light directly
      animal studies + the SCN- Decoursey et al- sleep/ wake cycle disappeared- SCN destroyed
      the pineal gland + melatonin- the SCN passes info to the pineal gland that controls melatonin
    • evaluation
      weakness: ethics in animal studies
      • DeCoursey study harmed animals
      weakness: methological studies
      • light pas study findings not replicated+ isolating one zeitgeber may be unrealistic