multi-store model of memory

Cards (15)

  • how does the sensory register code?
    for each of the other senses
  • what is the duration of the sensory register?
  • what is the capacity of the sensory register?
    very high
  • what sense is iconic memory?
    visual infomation
  • what sense is echoic memory?
    acoustic information
  • how is information coded in the STM according to the MSM?
    mostly accoustic
  • what is the capacity of the STM?
    7 +/- 2
  • what is the duration of the STM?
  • how is information coded in the LTM?
  • what is the capacity of the LTM?
    Potentially unlimited
  • what is the duration of the LTM?
    potenially lifelong
  • how is info moved from sensory register to the STM?
  • how in info moved from the STM to the LTM?
    maintenance rehearsal
  • give a strength of the MSM model
    1) Baddely's research into coding shows the STM and LTM are independent memory stores (STM codes accousitcally, LTM codes semantically)
    2) study of HM: after a brain injury his STM remained intact but his LTM was damaged so he was unable to form new memories
  • give a limitation of the MSM model
    1) experiments supporting the MSM lack external validity, eg. use letters / numbers rather than things occurring in everyday life
    2) KM: has amnesia, did poorly when recalling digits that had been read aloud but did much better when recalling digits he had seen and had to remember