Who found evidence of drug therapy being effective?
Leucht carried out a meta analysis of 65 studies involving 6000 patients. All patients on medication were stabilised. Some were taken off medication and given a placebo
Findings of Leucht’s study?
Within 12 months, 64 % of placebo group had relapsed compared to 27 % who stayed on their medication
Antipsychotics are cheap to mass produce, easy to administer and have a positive effect on any sufferers
Less than 3 % of SZ are in UK hospitals permanently
Drug therapy has a positive impact on the economy as patient can return to work and no longer need to be provided worth institutional care
Lieberman examined over 1400 chronic SZs and found that 74 % discontinued treatment after 18 months due to intolerable side effects. This will lead to relapse
Relapse (due to side effects) leads to ‘revolving door phenomenon‘ where patients are constantly being discharged and readmitted to hospital
Drug therapy doesn’t treat root causes
Being prescribed medication reinforces that their diagnosis is out of their control and allows patients to ignore life stressors and reduce their motivation
Why is there an ethical issue of using drug therapy?
Antipsychotics have been used in hospitals to calm patients and make them easier for staff to work with rather than for the patients’ benefit. Seen as unethical because it only controls behaviour to make them more socially acceptable