Cards (11)

  • CBT: Tarrier reviewed 20 controlled trials of CBT using 739 patients and found consistent evidence of reduced symptoms , lower relapse rates and faster recovery
  • CBT empowers patients to be in controls of own recovery by providing sleep help techniques to a age SZ oxide of therapy
  • CBT may not be suitable for what kind of pateints?
    Those that are highly disoriented and paranoid. They may not be able to form trusting relationships. Not all clients are suited to vigorous confrontation. May feel anxious or emotionally uncomfortable
  • CBT requires self awareness and willingness to engage with process. Negative symptoms may lead to reluctance/ inability to engage
  • CBT is costly. Private sessions may cost up to £ 100.
  • Who found evidence of family therapy being effective?
  • Findings of McFarlane’s on family therapy?
    50 to 60 % reduction in relapse rate
  • Who conducted a meta analysis on effects of family study?
    Pharaoh et al.
  • Pharaoh found that family therapy studies showed increased medication compliance, some improvement on general function and a reduction in readmission and relapse 24 months after treatment
  • Family therapy requires a significant time commitment from all family members involved. This can be challenging for those who have busy schedules or conflicting priorities
  • Family therapy may have confidentially issue. Some family members may resist participating. Some may feel uncomfortable discussing their thoughts and feelings in front of others, making it difficult to achieve the full benefits