
    Cards (15)

    • Genotype
      The genetic make-up of an individual - a combination of inherited genetic material from both parents
    • Phenotype
      The Observable characteristics of an individual - May different from genotype due to an interaction between genes and environment (epigenetics)
    • Hormone
      Chemicals produced by endocrine glands, which cause a physiological reaction in cells (eg, testosterone, oestrogen, adrenaline)
    • Gene
      Part of the chromosome of an organism carrying inheritable information
    • Natural Selection
      the process by which characteristics which enhance reproductive success and/or survival are passed down, thus becoming more widespread in the population
    • Neurotransmitters
      Chemical messengers which can stimulate or calm our brain - eg dopamine or serotonin
    • Assumptions - Cause of Behaviour
      Natural Selection
    • Assumptions - Scientific Method
      Scanning techniques - FMRIs, EEGs
      Family and twin studies
      Drug trials
      Heart rate, brain activity
    • Assumptions - Animal research

      Rats - brain activity
      Lashley - Localisation of function
      Mutant Hamster Study - sleep-wake cycle
    • Assumptions - Free Will
      No free will, but biological determinism
    • Family Studies
      Look at whether people related to a person with a given behaviour also have that behaviour
      Percentages compared with the incidence rates in the general population
      If family rates are higher than population rates, this suggests that a behaviour runs in families (genetic)
    • Twin Studies
      Use concordance rates (percentage of co-twins with a behaviour given the first twin has it)
      By comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins, we can quantify genetic basis of behaviour
      If MZ>DZ, this supports the genetic basis of behaviour
    • Evaluation - Applications
      Increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain has led to development of psychoactive drugs that treat serious mental disorders (depression and OCD)
      Results inn people with mental disorders being able to manage their conditions and living a relatively normal life
      Allows them to get back to work - economical implications
      However, comes with side effects
    • Evaluation - Reductionism
      Focuses on biological and environment aspects
      Could be better than behavioural or cognitive approach as its more comprehensive
    • Evaluation - Scientific
      Scanning techniques (FMRI, EEG), family and twin studies, and drug trials are used in order to investigate genetic and biological basis of behaviour - these are precise and highly specific methods
      With advances in technology, it is possible to accurately measure biological and neural process without bias
      The biological approach is based on reliable data
      However, FMRI and EEG have to be interpreted so not fully reliable
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