
Cards (14)

  • acetylcholine triggers muscle contractions and is involved in memory, anger, aggression, and is an excitatory
  • dopamine helps control movement; moderates mood, motivation and reward (anticipation), is an inhibitory
  • GABA is involved in movement and regulation of anxiety; moderates neuron firing - is inhibitory
  • norepinephrine plays a part in stress responses; influences alertness, arousal and reward - is excitatory
  • serotonin helps regulate mood, body temperature, sleep and appetite is an inhibitory
  • excitatory neurotransmitters increase the likelihood that a neuron will fire an action potential and pass it on to the next neuron
  • inhibitory neurotransmitters stop or reduce the transmission of electrical signals across a synapse preventing the over-excitation of neurons
  • substance p plays a role in regulation of pain migrane, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety, and is excitatory
  • leptin is a hormone that helps regulate body weight by reducing appetite and controlling fat storage.
  • adrenaline is a hormone that prepares the body for danger or escape by triggering a series of changes in the heart lungs and brain (also known as epinephrine)
  • caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant
  • melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland and is involved in the sleep-wake cycle
  • oxytocin promotes positive feelings and plays a role in human behaviors such as romantic attachment, sexual arousal, and trust (”The love hormone”)
  • ghrelin is released to tell your brain its hungry but also can release growth hormones, release insulin, and protect cardiovascular health (“hunger hormone”)