Neural correlates (new)

Cards (12)

  • What was the original dopamine hypothesis based on?
    The discovery that drugs used to treat SZ caused symptoms similar to those people with Parkinson’s disease, a condition associated with low dopamine level. Led to conclusion that SZ may be result of high levels of dopamine
  • In the original dopamine hypothesis, what was SZ the result of?
    High dopamine levels in subcortical areas of the brain. For example, an excess of dopamine receptors in pathways from the subcortex to Broca’s area may explain specific symptoms os SZ such as speech poverty and/or auditory hallucinations
  • Who proposed the updated dopamine hypothesis?
    Davis et al.
  • What did David et al. propose?
    Abnormally low dopamine in the brain’s cortex may also explain symptoms of SZ
  • What is abnormally high dopamine levels called?
  • What is abnormally low dopamine levels called?
  • Example of hypodopaminergia causing SZ?
    Low dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (responsible for thinking) could explain cognitive problems (negative symptoms)
  • Another possible neural correlate? (not dopamine)
    Enlarged ventricles
  • Who found that SZs have enlarged ventricles?
    Torres et al.
  • What is enlarged ventricles related to?
    Loss of brain tissue, which means fewer communication networks
  • What are ventricles?
    Fluid filled cavities in the brain that supply nutrients and remove waste
  • Torres found that ventricles of a person with SZ are on average about 15 % bigger than normal. Therefore, brains of SZs are lighter than normal