Investment - large companies can invest in LICs and NICs to create jobs, opportunities and infrastructure
Microfinance - loans provided to people who can use them to grow and set up businesses
Tourism - countries using their unique natural resources such as climates, landscapes and wildlife to attract tourists
Intermediate technology - Suitable, low-cost social and machinery suitable for LICs and NICs
Aid - money/resources given by one country to another, used to fund development projects (building schools)
Industrial development - investing in primary sector industry and increasing manufacturing which increases productivity and generates more wealth
Human Development Index (HDI) - combined statistic of life expectancy, education equity and per capita income scored from 0-1 (0 worst, 1 best)
Debt relief - lowering interest rates or canceling debt owed by struggling LICs or NICs
Fair trade - makes sure that farmers in LICs or NICs get a fair price for their produce