evaluation points AO3

    Cards (16)

    • What is operant conditioning based on?

      It is based on reinforcement.
    • What is the main criticism of the psychodynamic approach according to the study material?

      It is deterministic, suggesting everything is determined by the unconscious.
    • What did Freud contribute to the field of psychology?

      He conducted novel research and developed theories in psychodynamics.
    • What are the applications of psychodynamic theory in therapy?

      • Real-world application in psychotherapy.
      • Used to treat mental disorders.
      • Involves counseling therapy.
    • What conclusion did Fisher and Greenburg reach regarding psychoanalytic theory?

      They concluded that psychoanalytic theory cannot be fully accepted or rejected.
    • How does the psychodynamic approach view free will?

      It suggests that there is no free will as behavior is controlled by the unconscious.
    • What is the significance of the unconscious in psychodynamic theory?

      It is believed to control behavior and influence decisions.
    • What are limitations
      evaluating Wundt works

      conscious thoughts are mental processes that cannot be properly measured
      lacks ecological validity
    • Evaluating the psychodynamic approach
      What are strengths
      Real world application psychotherapy to treat mental disorders + dream analysis + counselling therapy Does explain human behaviour
      Fisher and Greenburg conclude the theory cannot be accepted or rejected
    • Evaluating of psychodynamic approach
      What are Limitations
      unfalsified cannot be proven or disproven so it is highly unscientific
      Freud could have research bias
      Deterministic everything is determined by the unconscious
    • Evaluating the biological Approach
      What are strengths
      Scientific cause and effect - increasing reliability
      Measurements are objective - increasing validity
      Increased in the understanding of biochemical processes in the brain leading to development of drugs to treat illnesses
    • Evaluation of the biological approach
      What are Limitations
      Deterministic no free will acknowledged - it’s all due to biological structures
      Reductionists reduces behaviour to your behaviour - dehumanising
      Ignores roles of the environment
    • Evaluation of the cognitive
      What are the Strengths
      Scientific controlled and valid
      Less deterministic allows for individuals to think before responding to stimuli
      sucessfully integrated into other theories providing a more comprehensive understanding of behaviours
      Emergence of neuroscience
      Real world application
      • piaget - children’s thinking and informational procsesses and their mind are like computers
      • beck - mood disorders - depression is caused by faulty thinking
    • Evaluation of cognitive
      What are Limitation
      lacks ecological validity
      Reductionist - reduces human mind to a computer ignoring emotional factors on behaviour - machine reductionist
      Soft determinism
    • evaluation of the humanistic approach
      What are Limitations
      Not scientific
      Short on empirical evidence
      Loose set of abstract ideas
    • evaluation of the himanistic approach
      What are strengths
      holism idea that subjective experience can only be understood by considering the whole person
      Valid considers meaningful human behaviour
      Optimistic brings person back into psychology