origins / emergence / overview

    Cards (22)

    • what is a science
      the approach to studying the universe / natural world through methods of observation and experiment
      5 key featured needed for a subject to be regarded as a science
    • what are the 5 key features needed for a subject to be regarded as a science
    • what is the acronym for the 5 key features for a subject to be regarded as a science
    • what did john locke suggest in the mid 17th century
      in order to understand humans we should directly observe and record our experiences
    • what is Wilhelm Wundt accepted as 

      often accepted as the first psychologiet
    • what did Wilhelm Wundt want for psychology
      psychology to be accepted as a distinct science and attempted to separate psychological theory from earlier philosophical ideas
    • what did Wundt create 

      firet lab for investigating human behaviour in in Leipzig uni in Germany
    • what was Wundt’s aim and what did he believe the best way to do this was
      to investigate the nature of human cognition and believed that the best way to do this was by breaking down a persons observations of objects, images, events into separate parts. which is now known as structuralism as he used basic scientific methods to find the basic structured of the ought and to investigate how they interact
    • what is introspection
      process in which a person gains knowledge about his / her own mental and emotional states
    • what was Wundts procedure originally tested on 

      colleagues and students who he trained to make observations
    • what were the steps to Wundts procedure
      participants were presented with carefully controlled stimuli misrule visual but sometimes auditory e. g. ticking metronome
      we’re then asked to provide a description of inner through processes they wre experiencing e. g. thoughts, feelings and emotions while still listening / looking to the stimuli
      information Wundt received from his participants was used to shed light on the processes involved in human consciousness
    • what were the stimuli, psychical surroundings and instructions for each participant 

      they were standardised
    • how did Wundt positively contribute to psychology

      did his research in carefully controlled conditions which encourages psychologists such as behaviourists to do the same
      had a large impact in later approached e. g. the cognitive approach
    • what are the number of criticisms for the lack of introspection
      lacked scientific rigour as results sre subjective and cannot be verified
      seen as unreliable because participant reports different to the same stimulus so wundt’s results cannot be replicated
    • what is the nature and nurture debate in psychology 

      debate surrounds importance of innate ( natural ) qualities vs personal experience in explaining differences in physical / behavioural traits
    • what is nature in the nature nurture debate
      idea that some characteristics are caused by genetics and naturally occurring qualities
    • what is nurture in the nature nurture debate
      idea that some characteristics are caused by environmental factors or personal experiences
    • what did early theories devour in the nature nurture debate compared to now
      often favoured one of the other but now its realised that genes and environment are both responsible for shaping behaviour
    • what is reductionism
      perspective in psychology that seeks to explain complex things by breaking them down into simpler smaller components
    • what is holism
      perspective in society that emphasises the interconnectedness and interdependence of different aspects of the human behaviour and mind
      often humanists
    • what is the reductionism vs holding debate 

      the debate as to where theories and approaches should be broken down to examine and analyse or whether you should analyse them and make them interconnected
    • what does the freewill vs determinism debate revolve around 

      how behaviour is something which we have no control over how we act vs the debate that we can decide to behave or act a certain way