
Cards (7)

  • reliability
    refers to how consistent the findings from an investigation or measuring device are. A measuring device is said to be reliable if it produces consistent results every time it is used
  • ways of testing reliability- test-retest
    • administrate a test or questionnaire
    • then wait a sufficient amount of time and re-test them
  • ways of testing reliability- inter-observer reliability
    the extent to which there is an agreement between two or more observers involved in observations of a behaviour
    measured by correlating the observation of two or more observers
  • improving reliability
    questionnaires- must do the re-test overtime to make sure questionnaires are reliable
  • improving reliability
    • use same interviewer each time
    • all interviewers must be properly trained
    • structured interviews
    • fixed questions
  • improving reliability- experiments
    • lab experiments- researcher has strict control
    • more replicable
  • improving reliability- observations
    • making sure behavioural categories have been fully operationalised