Cards (144)

  • What texts were rediscovered and popularized during the Renaissance?
    Ancient Greek, Roman, and Arabic texts
  • What new discoveries and inventions became available by the 15th century?
    Telescopes, microscopes, thermometers, vacuum pumps
  • How did the questioning of classical texts relate to ecclesiastical teachings during the Renaissance?
    Both were subjected to scrutiny and questioning
  • What is skepticism in the context of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment?
    Skepticism is the rational questioning of prevailing institutions and thought patterns
  • What ancient value became widespread again during the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment?
  • How did the invention of the printing press impact the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment?
    It facilitated the spread of ideas from scientists and philosophers
  • What was the primary focus of the Scientific Revolution beyond science itself?
    It was a revelation about the nature of knowledge and ways of thinking
  • In what fields did European thinkers apply reason and the scientific method during the Scientific Revolution?
    Politics, religion, economics, culture, and education
  • What were the key contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton to the Scientific Revolution?
    • Copernicus: Proposed heliocentric model, challenging geocentric view
    • Galileo: Used telescope to confirm Copernican model
    • Newton: Developed laws of motion and universal gravitation
  • What model of the universe did Copernicus challenge?
    The geocentric model
  • How did Galileo contribute to the Scientific Revolution?
    He confirmed the Copernican model using a telescope
  • Who presented the body as an integrated system, challenging traditional humoral theory?
    William Harvey
  • What did Andreas Vesalius discover about Galen's theories?
    He found them to be incorrect after dissecting human cadavers
  • What did Paracelsus propose as the cause of disease?
    A chemical imbalance in certain organs
  • What did Francis Bacon and René Descartes contribute to the Scientific Revolution?
    They defined inductive and deductive reasoning and promoted experimentation
  • What is inductive reasoning according to Francis Bacon?
    Using observations and evidence to support conclusions
  • What is deductive reasoning according to René Descartes?
    Using logical deductions to create a certain conclusion
  • How did alchemy and astrology relate to the new science during the Scientific Revolution?
    • Alchemy: Search for philosopher's stone and transformation of metals
    • Astrology: Belief in celestial influence on human affairs
    • Both shared notions of a predictable and knowable universe
  • How did the Catholic Church respond to new scientific discoveries?
    They fought against the publication of many discoveries
  • What was the role of European monarchs in scientific progress during the Scientific Revolution?
    They supported and funded scientific research
  • Who created the Académie des sciences in 1666?
    Louis XIV
  • What was Isaac Newton's most influential work published in 1687?
  • What did Newton describe in his work Principia?
    His three laws of motion and law of universal gravitation
  • What were some notable endeavors of Isaac Newton besides his work in physics?
    • Experimented with optics
    • Invented calculus
    • Head of the British Royal Society
    • Worked for the royal mint
    • Engaged in theological studies
  • Who were the intellectuals that applied the principles of the Scientific Revolution to society?
    Voltaire and Diderot
  • What were the philosophes known for during the Enlightenment?
    They criticized the ancient regime and sought social reform
  • What questions did Enlightenment philosophers tackle regarding rights and government?
    • What rights do we have?
    • Who gets these rights?
    • What duty do we have towards each other?
    • What is the role of government?
    • Who has the right to rule?
  • What is the title of Baron de Montesquieu's influential work?
    The Spirit of the Laws
  • What system of government did Montesquieu advocate for?
    A separation of powers with checks and balances
  • What did Cesare Beccaria argue against in his work On Crimes and Punishments?
    Torture, capital punishment, and cruel punishment
  • What is Beccaria's deterrence theory?
    A punishment should outweigh the possible reward of committing a crime
  • What controversial argument did Rousseau make regarding women?
    Women should remain in the home
  • Who challenged Rousseau's views on women during the Enlightenment?
    Mary Wollstonecraft and Marquis de Condorcet
  • What did Mary Wollstonecraft publish in 1792?
    Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • What was Wollstonecraft's argument regarding moral behavior?
    Reason is the basis of moral behavior for all human beings
  • What did Marquis de Condorcet advocate for?
    Equal rights for women, including women's suffrage
  • What is social contract theory and how did it evolve during the Enlightenment?
    • Replaced divine right theory
    • Society composed of individuals driven by self-interest
    • Originated in the consent of the governed
    • Influential in revolutions and formation of democracies
  • Who were the three philosophers influential in developing social contract theory?
    Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
  • What did Thomas Hobbes argue regarding the nature of people?
    People are generally evil and need strong authority
  • What significant event reinforced Hobbes' views on the social contract?
    The execution of King Charles I