What is the first stage of Multi-Store Model of Memory?
Sensory Register
What happens in the Sensory Register?
Stimuli passes through their respective stores (Visual, Auditory)
How long does material last in the Sensory Register?
Half a second
What is the capacity of the Sensory Register?
What store is after the Sensory Register?
Short Term Memory Store
What information gets passed to the STM?
The information that has been paid attention to
How much information can be stored in STM? Who said this?
5-9 pieces (Magic Number 7 plus or minus 2), George Miller (1956)
How is memory encoded in the STM? Who said this?
Acoustically (By Sound), AlanBaddeley (1966a)
What is the duration of STM? Who found this out?
18-30 seconds, Lloyd and Margaret Peterson (1959)
How can information pass from STM to LTM?
If it is rehearsed enough (Maintenance Rehearsal)
What is the duration of LTM?
What is the capacity of LTM? Who discovered this and how?
Potentially infinite, Alan Baddeley (1966b) did a study on LTM using old school yearbooks, participants were able to remember the faces and names of their classmates from 50 years ago. This also showed memories have to be recalled
How are memories encoded in LTM?
Semantically (By Meaning)
What is the mind compared to in this theory?
A computer
What evidence supports Multi-Store Model of Memory?
Lloyd and Margaret Peterson (1959)
What is a competing arguement?
Some psychologists find it hard to see where these stores begin and end
GuillermoCampitelli (2015) thinks the stores are integrated, for example STM is a focused part of LTM
What are weaknesses are there to MSM?
MSM states there is one STM, but studies on the clinical condition Amnesia say otherwise
A study on a patient named KF done by TimShallice and ElizabethWarrington (1970) showed he couldn't recall digits that were spoken to him, but could recall them if he could read the digits. This shows there are two possible stores; one for Auditory information and one for Visual information
What applications to real world can be made using MSM?
Increasing the capacity of STM
A process called chunking allows more pieces of information by grouping it into categories, making it more processable