Reconstructive memory bartlett

Cards (7)

  • What’s Serial reproduction 

    Where a piece of information is passed from one participant to another. The difference of the versions is measured
  • Whats repeated reproduction 

    A picture or story and told to recall it over several time delays. the difference in each of their versions are measured.
  • Bartletts serial reproduction task

    the first participant reads war of the ghosts waited 13-30 min then told other participant repeated throughout their group then measure the differences in the story
  • Bartletts repeated reproduction task

    participants read the war of roses on their own after 15 minuets gave their first reproduction. later reproductions took place at different times for different participants (8 days, 6 months, years), 13 men & 7 women
  • Schema Theory
    Schemata are mental frameworks that organize and give meaning to new information, influencing how we recall memories.
  • weakness of bartletts study and theory
    > didn’t have controlled methods - didn’t have a standardised procedure
    > lacks reliability
    > other studies show that memory can be very accurate and dismisses the theory of schemas
  • Bransford & Johnson
    participants shown a passage about laundry without knowing what it was about 1/3 didn’t know what it was about
    concludes we do make sense of info using prior knowledge called schemas