Genes consist of DNA which decides hair colour, height, and size of brain structures etc.
Genes are inherited from parents to offspring and may impact on psychological factors
What is MAOA?
Gene responsible for the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase in the brain
Low activity variant of gene is closely associated to aggressive behaviours
What is the concordance rate?
A measure of similarity expressed as a % between two individuals on a given trait
Twin Studies - Coccoro et al
Studied adult malemonozygotic and dizygotic twins
For direct physical aggression he found a concordance rate 50% for MZ and 19% for DZ
For verbal aggression he found a concordance rate of 28% for MZ and 7% for DZ
Adoption Studies Summary:
Similarities in aggressive behaviour between an adopted child and biological parents suggest genetic influences are operating
Similarities between adopted parents = Environmental influences
Adoption Study - Rhee and Waldman:
Meta Analysis
Study found genetic influences accounted for 41% of variance in aggression
MAOA and Serotonin:
MAOA = Enzyme
-'mops up' neurotransmitters after a nerve impulse has been transmitted
Breaks down neurotransmitters into constituent chemicals to be recycled or excreted
Production of enzyme is determined by MAOA gene
A dysfunction of this gene may lead to abnormal activity of enzyme
-Affects levels of serotonin (low levels = aggressive behaviour)
Warrior Gene:
Variant of MAOA gene
Leads to low MAOAactivity in the brain
Associated with aggressive behaviour
Brumer et al:
Studied 28 male members of a Dutch family involved in impulsively aggressive violent criminal behaviours
e.g. rape, attempted murder, and assault
These men had abnormally low levels of MAOA in the brain and low activity version of MAOA gene
Limitation - Genetic factors are difficult to isolate:
Difficult to separate genetic and environmental factors
Someone with an aggression-associated gene may only behave aggressively if the environment conditions are suitable
McDermott et al - Participants with the low activity MAOA gene behaved aggressively in a lab based task but only when provoked
Limitation - Findings depend on how aggression is measured:
Methods of measuring aggression differ significantly between studies and include self reports, parent and teacher reports and direct observations
In Rhee and Waldman'smeta analysis genetic factors had a greater influence on aggression in studies using self reports rather than parent or teacher reports
Strength - MAOA explanation is support from prosocial behaviour research:
The low activity variant of the MAOA gene is associated with greater aggression so presumably the opposite is true
Mertins et al - found males with the high activity MAOA variant were more cooperative in a lab based test
Strength - Support from animal studies:
Genetic deletion techniques allow researchers to remove single genes in mice - an experimental manipulation that lets them observe the effects on aggression
Godar et al - Showed MAOA removal mice have increased brain serotonin and are hyperaggressive
When serotonin is blocked by the drug fluoxetine the mice reverted to non aggressive