types of experiment

Cards (26)

  • What is a laboratory experiment?

    An experiment carried out in a controlled environment
  • What is the main advantage of a laboratory experiment regarding internal validity?

    The experimenter has high control over research variables
  • Why is it easy to replicate laboratory experiments?
    Due to high levels of control and standardized procedures
  • What is a disadvantage of laboratory experiments related to ecological validity?

    The results cannot necessarily be generalized beyond the research setting
  • What are demand characteristics in the context of laboratory experiments?

    When participants become aware of the aims of the experiment
  • What is a field experiment?

    An experiment conducted in a more natural environment
  • How does the manipulation of the independent variable (IV) in a field experiment compare to a laboratory experiment?
    The IV is still deliberately manipulated by the researcher
  • What is a key characteristic of participants in a field experiment?
    Participants are usually not aware that they are participating in an experiment
  • What is a major advantage of field experiments regarding ecological validity?
    Results can be generalized beyond the research setting
  • Why do field experiments have a lack of demand characteristics?
    Participants are usually not aware they are being studied
  • What is a disadvantage of field experiments related to internal validity?
    The experimenter has less control over extraneous variables
  • What is a natural experiment?
    An experiment conducted when it is not possible to manipulate an IV
  • What occurs in a natural experiment regarding the independent variable?
    The IV occurs 'naturally'
  • What is a key advantage of natural experiments?

    They allow research where the IV can't be manipulated for ethical or practical reasons
  • What is a disadvantage of natural experiments regarding causal relationships?
    A causal relationship cannot be demonstrated
  • What is a quasi-experiment?

    An experiment where the IV is a difference between people
  • What is an example of a quasi-experiment?

    Do females drive faster than males?
  • What is a key advantage of quasi-experiments?

    They allow comparisons between types of people
  • How can quasi-experiments be conducted in a lab?

    The DV can be tested in a lab, allowing for high control
  • What is a disadvantage of quasi-experiments related to ecological validity?

    They may be carried out in a lab, leading to low ecological validity
  • What is a disadvantage of quasi-experiments regarding random allocation?

    Participants cannot be randomly allocated into conditions
  • What are the main types of experimental research methods?
    • Laboratory Experiment
    • Field Experiment
    • Natural Experiment
    • Quasi Experiment
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of laboratory experiments?
    • High internal validity
    • Easy to replicate

    • Low ecological validity
    • Demand characteristics
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of field experiments?
    • High ecological validity
    • Lack of demand characteristics

    • Low internal validity
    • Less easy to replicate
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of natural experiments?

    • Allows research where IV can’t be manipulated
    • High ecological validity

    • Lack of causal relationship
    • Lack of random allocation
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experiments?
    • Allows comparisons between types of people
    • Can be carried out in a lab

    • May be carried out in a lab (low ecological validity)
    • Lack of random allocation