Psychodynamic approach

Cards (28)

  • In which century did the theories of Sigmund Freud originate?

    19th century
  • Who is the founder of psychoanalysis?

    Sigmund Freud
  • What principle do Freud's theories emphasize regarding the unconscious?

    The unconscious drives major influences on our lives
  • What are the ways in which unconscious thoughts can reveal themselves?

    • Slips of the tongue (Freudian slips)
    • Creativity
    • Neurotic symptoms (mental, emotional, or physical reactions)
  • How did Freud view the influence of the unconscious on our lives?

    He believed it extended its influence in every part of our lives
  • What are the three components of consciousness according to Freud?

    • Id
    • Ego
    • Superego
  • What does the id represent in Freud's model of consciousness?

    The id represents the pleasure principle and instincts
  • When does the ego develop according to Freud?

    At 1 year old
  • What is the role of the superego in Freud's theory?

    The superego represents the morality principle and consciousness
  • What happens when a defense mechanism is triggered?

    It distorts reality to reduce anxiety
  • What is repression in the context of defense mechanisms?

    Blocking unacceptable thoughts and impulses
  • What does denial involve as a defense mechanism?

    Refusal to accept reality to avoid painful feelings
  • What is displacement in terms of defense mechanisms?

    Redirecting thoughts/feelings to an innocent victim or object
  • How does the ego function in personality development?

    • Manages the conflict between the id and superego
    • Its strength determines how well this conflict is managed
    • A healthy personality requires a good balance between the id and superego
  • What is one of the key assumptions of Freud's theory?

    Childhood experiences dictate adult personality
  • What is the driving force in psychosexual development according to Freud?

    The need to express sexual energy (libido)
  • What happens at each stage of psychosexual development?

    • Libido is attached to a particular organ
    • Individuals experience tension from sexual energy buildup
    • Pleasure comes from its discharge
  • What is the focal point of sensation during the oral stage?

    The mouth
  • What major issue is associated with the anal stage of development?

    Toilet training and control of bodily waste
  • At what age does the anal stage occur?

    1. 3 years
  • What complex is associated with the phallic stage?

    The Oedipus complex
  • What do boys experience during the phallic stage according to Freud?

    Castration anxiety
  • What is 'penis envy' associated with in Freud's theory?

    It is associated with girls during the phallic stage
  • What is the age range for the latent stage of psychosexual development?

    6-12 years
  • What happens during the latent stage?

    Children develop mastery of the world and repress earlier conflicts
  • What is the final stage of psychosexual development?

    Genital stage
  • What is the focus of the genital stage?

    Fixing sexual energy in the genitals and directing towards sexual intercourse
  • At what age does the genital stage begin?

    12 years and older