maintaining water balance

Cards (9)

  • 60% of the human body is made of water
  • gain
    drink and veg
  • loose
    water vapour
  • in a day we should drink 2.5l (men) and 2l (women)
    exercise will make this number rise in relation to what you do
  • hydration
    having enough water in the body to enable it to function normally
  • dehydration
    NOT having enough water in the body to enable it to function normally
  • symptoms of dehydration
    • yellow urine
    • less frequently going to the toilet
    • dizzy
    • warmer
    • muscle cramps
  • results of dehydration
    • blood thickening which slows the speed that blood travels around the body
    • increased heart rate as your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body
    • increased body temperature to the point of overheating
    • increase in reaction time (longer to react) due to slower responses to stimuli and possibly poorer decisions
    • muscle fatigue leading to cramps
    • dizziness
    • nausea
    • blurred vision
    • headaches
  • rehydration
    to comsume water in order to restore hydration