Full Time Working - when a person works for more than 35 hours a week
Advantages of full time working:
worker is permanentlyavailable
worker gets paid a fullworking week's income
Disadvantages of full time working:
may have to pay worker at a time when no neededwork to be done
worker is tied to a fullworkingweek
Part Time Working - when a person works for less than 35 hours a week
Advantages of Part Time - FOR THE WORKER:
suits people with familyneeds
suits semi-retired workers who don't want fullweek
suits students who want to earn while studying
Advantages of Part Time - FOR THE BUSINESS:
experienced workers who don't want to work full-time can still contribute
more choice when recuiting
respond to demand - employing more staff in peak hours
reduce overtimecosts
Disadvantages of Part Time - FOR THE WORKER:
lowerincome for worker
no certain income if no fixed hours
inconvenient hours
Disadvantages of Part Time - FOR THE BUSINESS:
recruitment & training costs may be higher if more people used than if full time
timeconsuming for managers as more to look after
Flexible Working - practice of people working partly at their place of work and partly elsewhere, prehaps at home or while mobile
Ways of Flexible Working:
Working flexi-time
Working from home
Shift working
Zero-hours contracts
Advantages of Flexible Working - FOR THE WORKER:
Suits people with family commitments
Enjoy freedom
Save time & money by not travelling
Disadvantages of Flexible Working - FOR THE WORKER:
Miss socialside of working with others
May not be offered as much work as wanted
Advantages of Flexible Working - FOR THE BUSINESS:
Job sharing retains experienced workers
Save costs by needing office or storage space
Benefit of increased worker productivity who enjoy working at home
Disadvantages of Flexible Working - FOR THE BUSINESS:
Communications may be worse as less regularmeetings
More supervision to ensure working well
Workers aren't available when needed
Temperary Working - when a person only works for a shortperiod of time for an employer sometimes on a short-term basis or sometimes on a day to day basis as needed
Temporary workers may be given a fixedtermcontract or may be called of when needed. It is common in seasonalindustries.
Advantages of Temporary Working:
Only employed when demand and saves paying during less busy times
Only employed for neededlength of time
Workers can work and earn money for a period of time and have time for other things e.g longholidays
Disadvantages of Temporary Working:
Difficult to recruit at needed time due to shortages especially those with skills
Business doesn't have time to trainworkers
Workers may find times of year without work
Working from home - workers are now able to work from home by contactingemployers, colleagues or clients by telephones, emails or video conferencing
Hybrid working - when people work part of their time at home and part of their time in an office or other workplace
Advantages of Working from Home - FOR THE BUSINESS:
Workers can worklonger due to notravel time
Workers more motivated because of freedom
Work better at home if their are fewerdistractions
Savecosts with lessoffice space
Workers don't need to live locally opening up recruitmentopportunitites
Disadvantages of Working from Home - FOR THE BUSINESS:
Workers unable to exchangeideas
Workers produce less due to a lack of discipline
Train workers on how to use technology
Less efficient workers if distractions
Business may need to buy new technology
Advantages of Working from Home - FOR THE WORKER:
Freedom of working
Savemoney from travel costs
Lessstress due to no travelling
Disadvantages of Working from Home - FOR THE WORKER:
Miss socialside of working with others
Billshigher as at home all day
Working while mobile - when people work when they are on the move, travelling, or on holiday
Advantages of Working while Mobile:
Improves worker productivity as able to do more work in employed time
Flexibility of working
Continue to work while travelling making fulluse of time
Working while home reducesbusinesscosts and improves the competitiveness of the business.
Self-employement - When people work as their own business, selling their work to buyers who may be consumers or other business
Most self-employed people are sole traders
Self-Employment - FOR THE WORKER:
Like to be ownboss
Loseemploymentrights like holiday pay, sick pay or pension