The Behaviourist Approach

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    • What is the Behaviourist approach?

      • Founded by JB Watson in 1915
      • Rejected the vagueness of introspection and instead focused on how we are a product of our learning, experience and environment
    • Assumptions of the behaviourist approach

      • Primarily concerned with observable behaviour, as opposed to considering thinking and emotion
      • When we are born, our mind is a blank slate.
      • The learning that takes place in humans and animals is similar so, therefore, research can be carried out on animals as well as humans.
    • Watsons Behaviourist manifesto (1913)

      • Behaviour is a response to environmental stimuli;
      • Behaviourism is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviours;
      • This can be studied in a systematic, objective way.
    • What is Classical Conditioning?

      Learning by association:
      • Unconditioned stimulus —> unconditioned response
      • Unconditioned stimulus + neutral stimulus —> Unconditioned response
      • Conditioned stimulus —> Conditioned response
    • Principles of Classical conditioning
      • Generalisation: this occurs when a conditioned response (CR) is elicited by a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS).
      • Discrimination: this occurs when the person or animal learns to differentiate between similar conditioned stimuli (CS) and a conditioned response no longer occurs to a similar stimulus.
      • Extinction: when the conditioned stimulus (CS) is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), eventually the conditioned response (CR) will cease.
    • Principles of classical conditioning 2

      • Spontaneous recovery: after extinction, it only takes a few pairings of the unconditioned (UCS) and conditioned stimulus (CS) for the conditioned response (CR) to reappear.
      • Higher order conditioning: this is also known as second order conditioning. This occurs when a previously neutral stimulus elicits a conditioned response.
      • E.g. in Pavlov’s experiment, a tone (CS) was paired with food (UCS) to elicit salivation (UCR). If the tone was then paired with a light, and salivation occurred, that would be an example of higher order conditioning.
    • Evaluation of conditioning
      • Scientific approach - objective. 
      • Practical applications e.g. therapies.
      • Mechanistic view of human behaviour – ignores cognition and free will. 
      • Environmental determinism
      • Ethics of animal experiments. 
      • Ethics of some therapeutic approaches to changing behaviour. 
      • Ignores biology (nature/nurture). 
    • Watson and Rayner (1920)
      • Unconditioned stimulus (loud metal noise) —> Unconditioned response (fear)
      • Unconditioned stimulus (loud metal noise) + neutral stimulus (white rat)—> Unconditioned response (fear)
      • Conditioned stimulus (white rat) —> Conditioned response (fear)
    • Unconditioned response
      • An unconditioned response (UCR), also known as a reflex is a natural reaction to a stimulus.
      • An example UCR is a dog's salivation response when they see food.
      • They were not taught to salivate when they see food - the response is natural.
    • Unconditioned stimulus
      • An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is a stimulus that causes a reflexive response (a UCR) in an organism.
      • An example UCS is food that causes dogs to salivate when it's presented to them.
    • Neutral stimulus
      • A neutral stimulus (NS) is a stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response.
      • An example of this is a tone that would ordinarily be ignored by a dog as it has no association.
      • But an NS can be paired with a UCS to cause a response.
    • Conditioned stimulus
      • A conditioned stimulus (CS) is a stimulus that elicits a response after it has been paired with a UCS.
      • A CS was once a NS but has become a CS from having an association with a stimulus that elicits a UCR.
    • Conditioned response
      • A behaviour caused by the conditioned stimulus is called a conditioned response (CR).
      • An example of a CR is a salivation response when a dog hears a tone - they anticipate being fed through learning that a tone indicates that they are about to be fed.
    • What is Operant conditioning?

      Learning by Consequence
    • B.F. Skinner
      • B. F. Skinner (1904–1990) was an American psychologist. 
      • Skinner was a behaviourist. He concentrated on how behaviour was affected by its consequences. 
      • He believed that behaviour is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behaviour: the reinforcements and punishments.
    • Skinners research device

      • As a part of his research, Skinner developed a chamber that allowed the careful study of the principles of modifying behaviour through reinforcement and punishment.
      • This device, known as an operant conditioning chamber (or more familiarly, a Skinner box), has remained a crucial resource for researchers studying behaviour.
    • The Skinner box
      • The Skinner box is a chamber that isolates the subject from the external environment and has a behaviour indicator such as a lever or a button.
      • When the animal pushes the button or lever, the box is able to deliver:
      • A positive reinforcement of the behaviour (such as food).
      • A punishment (such as an electric shock).
      • A token conditioner (such as a light).
    • Skinners approach in wider psychology
      • Skinner’s focus on positive and negative reinforcement of learned behaviours had a lasting influence in psychology that slightly declined since the growth of research in cognitive psychology.
      • Despite this, conditioned learning is still used in human behavioural modification. 
      • Skinner’s two controversial science books about the value of operant conditioning for creating happier lives are still thought-provoking arguments for his approach.
    • Reinforcement and Punishment
      • Reinforcement- Encouraging a behaviour
      • Punishment- Discouraging a behaviour
      • Positive- Adding an experience
      • Negative- Removing an experience
    • What has classical conditioning led to in terms of treatment?

      It has led to treatments for the reduction of anxiety.
    • What method did Skinner use in his research?

      Skinner used the experimental method.
    • Why did Skinner use controlled conditions in his experiments?

      To try to find a relationship between two or more variables.
    • What is a weakness of Skinner's research regarding the subjects used?

      Skinner's research was on animals and not human behavior.
    • Why might different species learn differently according to the study material?

      Different species face different challenges to survive.
    • What does the behaviorist approach state about behavior?

      All behavior is determined by past experience through conditioning.
    • What influence does the behaviorist approach ignore according to the study material?

      It ignores the influence of free will.
    • Behaviourism
      • Behaviourism is a school of thought that arose during the first part of the 20th century, which incorporates elements of Pavlov’s classical conditioning.
      • Behaviourism is the psychological approach of observing and controlling behaviour.
    • The role of Behaviourism
      • Behaviourism dominated experimental psychology for several decades, and its influence can still be felt today.
      • Behaviourism is largely responsible for establishing psychology as a scientific discipline through its objective methods and experimentation.
    • Real world use of behaviourism
      • Behaviourism is used:
      • In behavioural and cognitive-behavioural therapy.
      • In classroom settings.
      • In informing research on environmental influences on human behaviour.