
    Cards (20)

    • What does the working memory model (WMM) explain?

      It explains how short-term memory is organized and functions.
    • What aspect of memory does the WMM focus on?

      The WMM focuses on the active part of the mind when temporarily storing and manipulating information.
    • In what situations might the WMM be active?

      When working on an arithmetic problem or playing chess.
    • What are the four main components of the WMM?

      • Central executive
      • Phonological loop
      • Visuo-spatial sketchpad
      • Episodic buffer
    • What is the role of the central executive in the WMM?

      The central executive monitors incoming data, makes decisions, and allocates tasks to slave systems.
    • What is the processing capacity of the central executive?

      The central executive has a very limited processing capacity.
    • What type of information does the phonological loop (PL) deal with?

      The phonological loop deals with auditory information.
    • What are the two subdivisions of the phonological loop?

      The phonological store and the articulatory process.
    • What does the phonological store do?

      The phonological store stores the words you hear.
    • What is the function of the articulatory process in the phonological loop?

      The articulatory process allows maintenance rehearsal to keep sounds or words in working memory.
    • What is the capacity of the articulatory process?

      The capacity is believed to be two seconds' worth of what you can say.
    • What does the visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSS) store?

      The VSS stores visual and/or spatial information.
    • According to Baddeley (2003), what is the capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      The capacity is about three or four objects.
    • What are the two subdivisions of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      The visual cache and the inner scribe.
    • What does the visual cache do?

      The visual cache stores visual data.
    • What is the function of the inner scribe in the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      The inner scribe records the arrangement of objects in the visual field.
    • What is the episodic buffer in the WMM?

      The episodic buffer is a temporary store for integrating visual, spatial, and verbal information.
    • What is the capacity of the episodic buffer?

      The capacity is about four chunks.
    • How does the episodic buffer link working memory to long-term memory?

      It integrates information processed by other stores and maintains a sense of time sequencing.
    • What are the key functions of the working memory model (WMM)?

      • Organizes short-term memory
      • Temporarily stores and manipulates information
      • Integrates visual, spatial, and verbal information
      • Maintains a sense of time sequencing