
    Cards (18)

    • Who conducted a case study supporting the Working Memory Model (WMM) involving patient KF?

      Shallice and Warrington
    • What type of memory ability did patient KF have difficulty with after his brain damage?

      Short-term memory for verbal information
    • What could patient KF process normally after his brain damage?

      Visual information presented visually
    • What does KF's case suggest about the phonological loop?

      It suggests that the phonological loop was damaged while other memory areas remained intact
    • Why might evidence from brain-damaged patients be considered unreliable?

      It concerns unique cases with traumatic experiences
    • What did Baddeley et al. (1975) study to support the separate existence of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      Dual-task performance
    • What was the finding of Baddeley et al. (1975) regarding performing two visual tasks simultaneously?

      Participants had more difficulty doing two visual tasks than a visual and verbal task
    • Why do participants experience increased difficulty when performing two visual tasks?

      Both visual tasks compete for the same slave system
    • What does the increased difficulty in dual-task performance suggest about the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      It indicates that there is a separate slave system for processing visual input
    • What do cognitive psychologists suggest about the central executive component of the WMM?

      It is unsatisfactory and lacks clarity
    • What did Alan Baddeley say about the central executive in 2003?

      It is the most important but least understood component of working memory
    • What do some psychologists believe about the central executive?

      It may consist of separate components
    • What does the word length effect demonstrate about the phonological loop?

      People find it harder to remember long words than short words
    • Why does the word length effect occur according to Baddeley et al. (1975)?

      There is a finite space for rehearsal in the articulatory process
    • What happens to the word length effect when a person is given an articulatory suppression task?

      The word length effect disappears
    • What is an example of an articulatory suppression task?

      Repeating 'la la la' while trying to remember words
    • What did Braver et al. (1997) find in their brain scanning studies related to the central executive?

      Greater activity in the left prefrontal cortex as tasks became harder
    • What does the increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex suggest about the central executive?

      As demands on the central executive increase, it has to work harder