1.8 Inorganic ions

Cards (4)

  • iron ion
    • found in haemoglobin
    • Fe2+ is in the reaction centre of the heme group
    • where oxygen temporarily binds to iron ions
    • forming oxyhaemoglobin
    • and temporarily become Fe3+
  • Phosphate ion
    • can be attached to other molecules as a phosphate group
    • in DNA enables nucleotides to join together as phosphodiester bonds resulting in the sugar phosphate backbone
    • used to produce ATP via phosphorylation of ADP
    • can phosphorylate other compounds to make them more reactive
    • part of the phospholipid which make up the cell membrane making it polar/ hydrophilic
  • sodium ion
    • required for cotransport of glucose and amino acids
    • enables glucose and amino acids to move across the cell membrane
    • move into neurones to create an action potentials
    • affects osmosis as regulates water potential of cells
    • regulates osmotic pressure in plants
    • maintains pH of cells
  • hydrogen ions
    • required to maintain pH levels in body
    • too much H+ to acidic- low pH
    • too little H+ to alkaline- high pH
    • ensures enzyme controlled reactions can take place
    • enzymes are all effected by pH
    • as causes ionic and hydrogen bonds to break in the tertiary structure, this changes shape of active site