peer reveiw

Cards (10)

  • What is the process through which psychology develops its knowledge base?

    Conducting research and sharing findings
  • What happens after a psychologist completes a piece of research?

    It is written in a generally agreed format and sent to a psychological journal
  • What is peer review?

    The process through which research is appraised by peers
  • Why is peer review important for scientists?

    It helps detect flawed or fraudulent work
  • What happens if a journal thinks the research is good enough?

    They will publish it for all to see
  • What is NOT the role of peer review?

    Checking ethics of the research
  • What are the main purposes of peer review?

    • Allocation of research funding
    • Publication of research in scientific journals
    • Assessing the research rating of university departments
  • Who funds research that requires peer review?

    Various government and charitable bodies
  • How does peer review help in the publication of research?

    It prevents incorrect or faulty data from entering the public domain
  • Why is the research rating of university departments assessed?

    Future funding of the department depends on receiving good ratings