
Cards (44)

  • What does the suffix -al pertain to?
    It pertains to pericardial or renal
  • What does the suffix -aemia refer to?
    It refers to a condition of blood
  • What does the suffix -agogue mean?
    It means leading forth or stimulating
  • What does the suffix -agra signify?
    A painful seizure
  • What does the suffix -algia indicate?
    It indicates pain
  • What does the suffix -blast refer to?
    It pertains to formation
  • What does the suffix -coele or -cele mean?
    It means cavity or rupture
  • What does the suffix -cyte refer to?
    It pertains to a cell
  • What does the suffix -ectomy mean?
    It means surgical removal
  • What does the suffix -eous indicate?
    It indicates a type or kind
  • What does the suffix -fer mean?
    It means a carrier of
  • What does the suffix -graph mean?
    It means to write or describe
  • What does the suffix -ia refer to?
    It refers to a morbid condition
  • What does the suffix -ic indicate?
    It is used to make an adjective
  • What does the suffix -iculus mean?
    It is a diminutive form
  • What does the suffix -iform indicate?
    It indicates shape or form
  • What does the suffix -ismus signify?
    It connotes disease
  • What does the suffix -itis refer to?
    It refers to inflammation
  • What does the suffix -logy mean?
    It means treatise or word
  • What does the suffix -mania indicate?
    It indicates madness
  • What does the suffix -odyne mean?
    It means pain
  • What does the suffix -oid refer to?
    It refers to form
  • What does the suffix -olus mean?
    It is a diminutive form
  • What does the suffix -oma signify?
    It signifies swelling or tumor
  • What does the suffix -opia refer to?
    It refers to eye or eyesight
  • What does the suffix -osis indicate?
    It indicates a condition or disease
  • What does the suffix -ostomy mean?
    It means opening
  • What does the suffix -ous indicate?
    It indicates a type
  • What does the suffix -pathy refer to?
    It refers to suffering from disease
  • What does the suffix -phil mean?
    It means loving or having affinity for
  • What does the suffix -phobia indicate?
    It indicates fear
  • What does the suffix -plasty mean?
    It means to form or to mould
  • What does the suffix -rhagia signify?
    It means to burst
  • What does the suffix -rhoea refer to?
    It refers to flowing
  • What does the suffix -stasis indicate?
    It indicates stagnation or stoppage
  • What do the suffixes -scope and -scopy mean?
    They mean viewing and making visible
  • What does the suffix -tomy refer to?
    It means to cut
  • What do the suffixes -ule, -ula, and -ulus indicate?
    They indicate diminutive forms
  • What does the suffix -uria refer to?
    It pertains to urine
  • What are the meanings of the suffixes related to pain?
    • -algia: Pain
    • -odyne: Pain
    • -agra: A painful seizure