Behaviourist Approach

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  • What is Behaviourist Approach?
    A way of explaining behaviour in terms of what can be observed
  • Assumptions of the Behaviorist Approach
    Only interested in studying behavior that can be measured n observed. (Not concerned w mental processes bcs it seen as irrelevant)

    All behavior is learned

    Research relied on lab studies

    Baby's mind is a 'blank slate' n is written on by experience.

    All basic processes that govern learning r the same in all species, so animals can replace humans in research.
  • 2 Forms of conditioning/learning?
    Classical n Operant
  • Who researched classical conditioning?
  • What is Classical conditioning and what did Pavlov do?
    Learning through association.

    He conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.
    When a neural stiumulus (the bell) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (the food), the bell can come to a conditioned stimulus that produces a conditioned response (Salivating)
  • Who suggested Operant Conditioning?

    B.F Skinner
  • Explain Operant Conditioning?

    Skinner suggested learning is an active process where humans n animals operate on the environment. Behavior is shaped by consequences:

    Positive reinforcement- Receiving a rewards when a certain behavior is performed, making it more likely to be performed.

    Neg. Reinforcement- avoiding something unpleasant so the outcome is positive, making it more likely that the action done to avoid the unpleasant thing is repeated.

    Punishment - Unpleasant consequence of behavior. This decreases behavior will be repeated.
  • Explain Skinner's Research?
    Rat/Pigeon put in 'Skinner boxes'.Every time rat pulled a lever, rewarded w food pellets. : Positive Reinforcement

    He also demonstrated how animals could be conditioned to perform the same behavior to avoid an unpleasant stimulus (electric shock) : Neg. Reinforcement
  • Strengths of Behaviorist Approach?

    -Well controlled Research leads to Scientific Credibility: Observable behavior within controlled lab settings. Breaking behavior intro basic stimulus-response units meant extraneous variables eliminated.

    -Real World Application: Operant conditioning is the basis of token economy systems used in prisons. Rewards appropriate behavior w tokens that can be used to exchange it for privileges.
  • Limitations of Behaviorist Approach?

    -Oversimplification: By reducing behavior to simple components, you ignore human though n process of cognitive thinking. Learning is more complex than observable behavior alone (cognitive approach, social learning theory)
    -Environmental Determinism: It sees all behavior as the sum of past conditioning experiences/total reinforcement history. Ignores free will. This extreme position ignores influence of conscious decision-making process on behavior.