A way of explaining behavior that includes both indirect and directreinforcement.
Assumptions of SLT?
Albert Bandura agreed w Behaviorists that all behavior is learned from experience, but he proposed that people learnt thru imitation.
Learning happens thru operant n classical, but also indirectly- imitation
What is imitation?
Copying behavior of others
What is Modelling?
Imitating the behavior of a role model.
What is vicarious reinforcement?
An individual observes the behavior of others-->Imitation only occurs if the observed behavior is seen to be rewarded (positive reinforcement); Indirect reinforcement
SLT focuses on cognitive factors involved in learning. What are the 4 mediational(intervening) processes that determine whether a response is acquired?
-Attention : extent to which we notice behavior
-Retention: how well we remember it
-MotorReproduction : ability of observer to perform behavior
-Motivation: will to perform behavior, determined by reward/punishment of behavior
What was Bandura's Research? (Study A)
-Study A : Recorded behavior of young children who observed an adult behave in an aggressive way towards a Bobo doll. The adult hit it w hammer n shouted abuse at it.
-->Results : When children played w toys, they were more aggressive than children who observed a non-aggressive adult.
What was Bandura's Research? (Study B)
-Study B: Bandura n Walters showed vids to children of adults being aggressive towards doll. Group A saw adult get praised, Group B saw adult get told off, Group C (control) saw adult get no consquence.
-->Results : Children in Group A were more aggressive towards doll > Group C > GroupB
Strengths of SLT?
-Recognises cognitive factors : Unlike classical/operant, this means SLT provides a more comprehensive explanation of human learning.
-Real world Application : Explains cultural differences in behaviour, how cultural norms r transmitted thru societies, how children come to understand their gender role n how children learn from others around them.
Limitations of SLT?
Little reference to biological factors: Despite including cognitive factors in his theory, critisised for making too little reference to biological factors on social learning. Although he claimed biological differences influenced our learning potential, he thought learning itself was determined by environment.
Lab studies: Children may respond to demand characteristics. Because it was suggested the main purpose of the doll was the strike it, they may have simply behaved in a way that was expected of them, which tells little about how children learn aggression irl.