what are the 4 stores of the working memory model?
central executive
phonological loop
visual spatial sketchpad
episodic buffer
what does the central executive do?
manages sub systems and processes information in all sensory forms, acts as a filter, has a limited capacity
what does the phonological loop do?
deals with auditory information and the order of information, has a limited capacity of words said in 2s
what does the visual spatial sketchpad do?
handles non-phonological information and is a temporary store for visual and spatial items
what does the episodic buffer do?
needed as the model needs a general store to operate - introduced to temporary store information combined together from previous 3 stores
name a study into the research of the central executive
Baddeley (1996)
what were the findings of Baddeley (1996) into the research of the CE?
participants found it difficult to generate lists of random words while simultaneously switching between pressing numbers and letters on a keyboard
CE cannot cope with doing 2 things at once meaning capacity is not large and both tasks compete
name a case study into the research of the phonological loop
Trojani & Grossi (1995)
what were the findings of Trojani & Grossi (1995)?
people who had brain damage affected the functioning of phonological loop but not visual spatial sketch pad suggesting 2 separate systems
name a study into the research of the phonological loop
Baddeley et al (1975)
what were the findings of Baddeleyet al (1975) - WMM, PL
reported on word length effect
participants recalled more short words in serial order than long words
shows capacity is determined by word length not number of words
what are the 2 stores sub divided in the visuo-spatial sketch pad?
visual cache
inner scribe
what is the job of the visual cache in VSS?
stores information about form and colour
what is the job of the inner scribe in the VSS?
rehearses and transfers information in visual cache to central executive & handles spatial relationships
name a study into the research of VSS
Gathercole and Baddeley (1993)
what were the findings of Gathercole & Baddeley (1993)
participants couldn’t follow the light and recite internal angles of the letter ’F’ as both tasks were visual
participants could however follow the light and sing a song as the tasks were different in nature
does Gathercole & Baddeley (1993) support the WMM?
yes as each store needs its own place to function accordingly
name one study into the research of the episodic buffer
Prabhakaran et al (2000)
what were the method and findings of Prabhakaran et al (2000)?
used fMRI scans to find greater right frontal brain activation for both verbal and spatial information but greater posterior activation for non combined information
provides biological evidence of an EB that allows storage of intergrated information
what did Alkhalia (2009) find into the research into RB?
reported on a patient with severely impaired LTM who had a STM capacity for 25 prose items
suggests it supports the model and existence of an EB as it means there is extra ‘storage space’ to hold 25 items in a STM capacity
one limitation of the central executive? (AO3)
definition of CE is weak as it does not explain exactly what it does despite being the head system
why the the WMM too simple? (AO3)
there are different areas active during verbal and visual tasks suggesting that PL and VSS are 2 separate stores which is reflected in the biology of the brain
what are the 2 sub-parts of the phonological loop?
primary acoustic store
articulatory process
what does the primary acoustic store do?
stores words recently heard
what does articulatory process do?
keeps information in the phonological loop through sub-vocal repetition of information and linked to speech production
how is the VSS supporting the WMM? (AO3)
PET scans show activation in left hemisphere during visual tasks and activation in the right for spatial information which suggests there are 2 stores in the VSS
what is a limitation of supporting research for VSS? (AO3)
lacks ecological validity as many studies are artificial there there is little knowledge about the VSS generally