Psychodynamic pt2

Cards (9)

  • What did Freud believe?

    Freud believed our personality was formed in 5 stages. Our sexual energy (libido) is centred in different areas of the body as we develop.
    We experience tension from this energy, and pleasure is gained at different stages through its expression.
    If we are under or over-gratified at a certain stage we experience fixation, which can have personality impacts.
  • what are the psychosexual stages of development?

    Old- Oral
    Age- Anal
    Pensioners- Phallic
    Love- Latency
    Gin- Genital
  • What in the oral stage?

    Libido is focussed on mouth- pleasure is gained from sucking eating (age 0-2).
  • What is the anal stage?

    - 1-3 years
    - toilet training, pleasure focuses on bladder & bowl elimination, control issues
  • What is the phallic stage?

    - 3-6 years
    - genital pleasure center, Oedipus & Electra complex create incestuous feelings
  • What is the latency stage?

    fourth stage occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings of the child are repressed while the child develops in other ways (6-12 years).
  • What is the genital stage?

    - 12> years
    - reawakened sexual instincts with the goal of reproduction
    - mature sexual relationships
  • What is the Oedipus Complex?

    the complex of emotions aroused in a young child, typically around the age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and a wish to exclude the parent of the same sex - Little Hans.
  • What is the electra complex ?

    -Jung argued for an equivalent complex called the electra complex'.
    -the unconscious desire of girls to replace their mother and win their father's romantic love.