Psychodynamic pt1

Cards (9)

  • What is the psychodynamic approach?

    An approach that suggests that our behaviour is influenced by unconscious thoughts and feelings, often stemming from childhood experiences.
  • an assumption of the psychodynamic approach
    Unconscious activity is the key determine of how we behave
  • What does our personality compromise of?
    the Id, ego and superego
  • What is the Id?

    The Id is formed at birth and operates on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification of desires without considering the consequences.
  • What is the ego?

    The ego develops in the early childhood (2-3) and operates on the reality principle, balancing the demands of the Id with the constraints of the superego.
  • What is the superego?

    The superego emerges around age 5, internalizing societal rules and expectations from the same sex parent. It operates on the morality principle, striving for perfection and avoiding guilt.
  • unconscious mind=?

    things that make us uncomfortable- fears, selfish needs..
  • preconscious mind=?

    things we can easily access- memories
  • conscious mind=?

    everything we are currently aware of- thoughts