Type of socialinfluence involving a change in beliefs or behaviour to fit in with a group
Investigate the extent to which socialpressure from the majority group influences a person to conform
lab X with androcentric sample of 123USmales
pps told participating in visualperception study (deception)
Put in groups of 6-8confeds and shown 4 cards- 1 consisted of a standard line and the other had 3 comparison lines (1 being same length)
Each member stated line that matched, pp always answered last/2nd last
18 trials of unambiguous line tests with 12 critical trials of confeds incorrectly answering
CG-36 pps, no confeds
average conformity rate 32%
75% conformed at least once
5% conformed every time
pps most likely to conform in group settings in ambiguous situations
Variables affecting: Task difficulty
Harder tasks (length of lines made more similar sized) increased conformity rate as the situation became more ambiguous so pps looked to other for guidance (ISI)
Variables affecting: Unanimity
Introduced dissenter who gave the right answer=5% conformity or different incorrect answer=9%, enabled pps to behave more independently
Variables affecting: Group Size
Varied the number of confeds in each group between (1-16) and conformity increased but to certain point. 1 confed=3%, 2 confeds=13%, 3 confeds=33%. After this CR decreased
Strength/CA-Nomothetic methods
lab X with standardised procedures and high controlled settings
Allows more control of EVs and can establish causal relationship
High internal validity
but artificial environment produces unnatural behaviour
Strength/CA- Research support from Lucas et al (2006)
asked pps to solve easy and hard maths problems and pps given answers that were falsely claimed to be from 3 other students
Pps often agreed more to the wrong answers when the problems were harder
Supports aschs concept of task difficulty affecting conformity
But Lucas’s study showed that conformity related to confidence so high confidence equals less conformity
pps deceived as told it was a visual perception study and had induced stress/embarassment (psychological harm)
But can be argued that deception is necessary to assess the nature of conformity
Pls also had postdebrief and took part in an interview which likely reduced stress
Limitation- gender and culture bias
androcentric sample of 123USmales
Example of BB as results were applied as a general law but Bond and Smith found that women are more conformist than men so their behaviour would be different
Also ethnocentric sample as had a westernised US sample
Bond and Smith found that conformity rates are higher in collectivist cultures like China due to their societal norm of acting as a community