Cards (16)

    • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
      Most common form of treatment in NHS. People have ~15 50 minute sessions. Aims to set goals and identify negative automatic thoughts
    • CBT is..

      goal oriented - tasks given to support recovery
      • highly structured - specific problems and goals discussed
      • focused on current problems - how your feeling now
      helpful afterward - techniques on how to support yourself taught
    • Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

      Aims to identify, challenge and dispute irrational thoughts. Rigourous argument to change the irrational belief - break the link between negative life events and depression
    • Ellis' model (treatment):

    • Types of disputes
      1. Empirical, examines evidence for negative thoughts
      2. Logical, challenges of negative thoughts logically follow facts
      3. Pragmatic, assessing whether negative thoughts make situations better or worse
    • Behavioural Activation in CBT
      Depression = gradual avoidance of difficult situations, and isolation (maintains/worsens symptoms)
      Goal is to increase engagement in activities shown to improve mood
    • Cognitive Therapy (CT)
      Identify negative automatic thoughts. These often CHALLENGED and changed into rational thoughts (thought-catching). Tasks may be set to help clients see the reality of their positive/negative beliefs (reality-catching)
    • CT techniques:

      • dysfunctional thought diaries
      • homework tasks - test negative automatic thoughts
      • participate in pleasurable activities
    • CT
      Client is the scientist, investigating the reality of their negative beliefs. In future sessions, the therapist can present this evidence to prove the client's statements are incorrect
    • Irrational thoughts = dysfunctional thoughts
    • ✅ cognitive treatments depression
      Real life application in the NHS and therapies
    • cognitive treatment depression
      Time consuming (session and recovery). Varying experience
    • ❌ cognitive treatment depression
      Only deals with symptoms not root cause, however provided techniques to support people for the future, empowerment by showing they have control over their thoughts
    • ❌ cognitive treatment depression
      Clients may become attached to their therapist, overanalyse
    • cognitive treatment depression
      People need to be willing to change and not forced into the therapy for it to be effective
    • Alternative treatments for depression
      • drug therapy
      SSRI - antidepressants